Interest in love spread


Hello ant and all,
I'm new here, and I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. I've found out I have a crush that i have on a girl, it's way outta left field, and I'm not sure were it came from. But that's only back story (though any thoughts or spreads that would answer that wouldn't be hated)
I really wanna ask this girl out, but I can't tell how she feels for me. She does a lot of 180s on me. My question is, is there any spreads that could help me getting a feel for how she feels about me?



This might help you.


1. What you are.
2. What he/she is.
3. What you want to be.
4. How you see her.
5. What you have.
6. What she needs.
7. Outcome for you.
8. Outcome for her.

Worked for me when I tried it.

Also, just a word to the wise, these "outta left field" crushes can break your heart faster than anything. Be careful.


WOW! this really helped me a lot. It really gave me some insight into everything


Just inquiring how the reading came out, and if anything has happened that the reading pointed out. I am just curious....not trying to be too nosey :) I understand if you would rather not share :)