Short Historical Spread - 4 Minors, 3 Majors


Papus' Divinatory Tarot (1909) has a short spread that seems to be interesting and hopefully will give insight on a specific manner on hand. It's an interesting take, as the suggestion is to first define the question theme, then use only one suit and majors.

For business/new enterprise, take the wands
For heart-filled matters, take the cups
For legal or conflict matters, take the swords
For money matters, take the coins/pentacles.

Shuffle the stack of that one suit; ask the querent to cut them or cut them yourself; place in a diamond like so:

+++++++ 4 ++++++++
3 ++++++++++++++ 1
+++++++ 2 ++++++++

Take the majors, shuffle, take seven off the top, cut, take three off the top of the seven you shuffled and arrange thus:

++++++++ 4 (minor) +++++++
I (major) ++++++++ II (major)
3 (minor) +++++++++ 1 (minor)
++++++++ III (major) ++++++
++++++++ 2 (minor) +++++++

Development of an event or stages
1 (minor) - Beginning/Childhood
2 (minor)- Zenith/Youth
3 (minor) - Obstacles/Decline or Ripening
4 (minor) - Fall/Old Age
Remember the above is using only one suit.

I (major) - past influences
II (major) - present situation surroundings
III (major) - future circumstances

I haven't tried it yet, but thought it was an interesting way of reading about a specific theme with limited cards. The description is the English translation of Chapter Three of Divinatory Tarot (1909) from Papus, pages 169-174. I am still recovering from sinus infection, so will try this later!

Hope it helps, it's a new way of looking at a theme for me.
