**Intuitive** readings


Hi everyone,
From time to time, I will be thinking of someone or something in my life and cards will pop into my head (yeah, i guess there are a few screws loose). Other times, a card that I havent seen in a while, or ever, will give me a little warning "dont worry, youll see me soon, some things have to happen first". This could all be coincidental, but I enjoy mindbending stuff. Has anyone had similar experiences?


Similar like, I will suddenly think of a person that I have not seen in a while, then in a week to a month, there they are? Happens to me all the time. The stange part about it is that sometimes the people are those I don't know very well, or maybe don't care for. Also, remember this, There are no coincidences, and always watch for them.


I do that sometimes too. I'll be talking to someone and a card image will pop into my head. I have one friend that I always see the 8 of swords for. I wish she'd move on so I could see another card! LOL

Rhiannon :)


It is funny you should mention this. Just the other day I was wondering obout something. I was in the car so I couldn't pull a card, but then all of a sudden three cards popped into my head. I thought it was a sign that I was just way too obsessed with the Tarot. I am glad to know that I am not alone.