Is there anything romantic about the 6 of wands?


How can you interpret the 6 of wands in romantic situations, for example as an outcome?

It looks like it predicts success, but at the same time it doesn't seem very romantic. Possibly not a relationship about sharing or any deep connection.

But what is it exactly, in relationships or with love interests as outcomes?


It can have to do with if you have been wanting someone you like to notice you it can be a very good card indicating that they have swivled their attention in your direction.
And great things can happen from there.


I actually had that come up in a reading about a romantic relationship (someone else's) just the other day. I read it exactly as you did, as a success without a deep connection. The friend for whom I was doing the reading tends toward short-term relationships, and he tends to see them that way, as conquests more than personal connections. Definitely a Wands-heavy relationship as opposed to a Cups one (compare the Sixes of those suits).

Does that make sense in terms of your reading?

EDIT: I just saw lark's post, and I completely agree with that reading, as well, if it's more appropriate to the context. The card definitely says "victory" to me, but it could be an inner, personal victory as well as an outward, glorious one.


The person has achieved their desire, they have overcome all the obstacles and now have a good relationship. It is like there were many problems to be overcome in order to form that relationship, they never gave up the challenge and thus in the end won. Their desires were fulfilled, the goal achieved. The card is not about love but about winning, people looking up to you because you are a success, like a movie star.


lark said:
It can have to do with if you have been wanting someone you like to notice you it can be a very good card indicating that they have swivled their attention in your direction.
I like this! What a great way to read this romantically. Way to go, Lark!

Often, when I look at this card, I think a little of the Knight/Wands, coming back from his mission, getting the applause. Thanks to Lark's idea there, I can see him, in the romanic position, of being given that mission by a maiden he hopes to impress and win. You can see her crowning him with the laurel wreath she's woven, giving him her favor. Of course he's going to lift his wand, grin at the crowd and crow "Yes!" :D


It could also mean the that you will get a person maybe your family and friends will be in awe about, whether this person deserves to be put on a pedestal or not. He comes off as a winner. But that is if you are asking about who will this person be as an outcome. I don't know what kind of relationship spread you are using.


I see six of wands also as sun in tipheret, or in other words, the combiation of vitality and beauty. That is what love and romance is about. It is the drive for live combined with the beauty of the human feelings of love. Why should this not be about sharing or any deep connection? Combined with the wands there is a lot of passion too! :D


There is a show-off quality to this victor sitting high in the saddle with the adoring crowd looking up at him. It screams PRIDE to me, and the need to be acknowledged as the winner.


cutiecutie said:
How can you interpret the 6 of wands in romantic situations, for example as an outcome?

In Robin Wood this is a truly delightful card - the olive leaf crowned handsome prince of fire parading on his white charger, with his shining olive stem entwined wand in front of street lined with adoring subjects - oh, my heeero!

Every girl wants him to be her man - sings Blondie's Debbie Harry - but what happens after the the parade and swooning are over? Or, perhaps you are the the 'lucky' princess riding behind - out of the picture in more ways than one?

In a romantic situation, without any other reference point? If it looks too good to be true, it may well be, but on the other hand, fairy tales do come true!

in light



circlewalker said:
Or, perhaps you are the the 'lucky' princess riding behind -

I got this image from using the Golden Tarot. My eyes went directly to the person on the highest horse, even though they aren't in front... they are on the highest horse close to the person in the front and the person behind them is looking up to the "princess"... as if to say "here she is... the one chosen to be his." It's like the person in the front is parading her around for all to see and raising her up on a pedestal... even if it's just a horse. lol :) Attached is the picture.



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