knight of cups as the current state of the relationship??


Knight of cups comes up in the position what contributes to the current state of the relationship where the couple is now spliting to take a break.

For me, it could mean:
1) they were too dreamy about each other at the first place and then they realised that actually the other person is not llike what they thought
2) the knight describes the characteristic of the man in the relationship who is immature, passionate and self centred
3) Or the third person coming in this relationship.


Knight of cups comes up in the position what contributes to the current state of the relationship where the couple is now spliting to take a break.

For me, it could mean:
1) they were too dreamy about each other at the first place and then they realised that actually the other person is not llike what they thought
This is closest to what came to my mind. The Page Cups would say "I Love You!" without understanding what the word means. The Knight would say "I Love You!" without understanding what it takes to make a relationship work. So as what contributes to the current state of the relationship, I'd say that reality is setting in and they're starting to realize that it takes a lot more than being in love to maintain a relationship.

One of my favorite quotes on love that I think applies here comes from an 80's TV show called Kate and Allie:
Jenny - "We're in love."
Allie - "That's conducive to clear thinking."



This is closest to what came to my mind. The Page Cups would say "I Love You!" without understanding what the word means. The Knight would say "I Love You!" without understanding what it takes to make a relationship work. So as what contributes to the current state of the relationship, I'd say that reality is setting in and they're starting to realize that it takes a lot more than being in love to maintain a relationship.

One of my favorite quotes on love that I think applies here comes from an 80's TV show called Kate and Allie:
Jenny - "We're in love."
Allie - "That's conducive to clear thinking."


Thank you. This is the first thing coming up into my mind but I was not sure if the knight can describe a person as well but the surrounding cards didn't mean to be that way.


Depending on the surrounding cards it could mean it's reversed meaning, which would be the ending of limerance which last about a year to 18 months. Unless they have a true foundation most couples don't make it after limerance. Not all love is limerence, I have read the Knight of cups as limerance in the past. The card reversed is the ending of this romantic longing.

"What Is Limerence?

Limerence, a term coined by psychologist Dorothy Tennov in her 1979 book Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love, has been described as "an involuntary interpersonal state that involves an acute longing for emotional reciprocation, obsessive-compulsive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and emotional dependence on another person."


fwiw, my first thought was pretty close to what Rodney has said. A lack of maturity in the feelings of love.

As my brother in law said at my nephew's wedding, "Marriage ain't for sissies!"