Knight of cups & page of Pentacles


Anyone have insight on the combination of these 2 cards? I take it as kind of a dreamy, un-grounded combo.



Well the Page of Pentacles, being a Pentacle court card is grounded but as you say, the Knight of Cups isn't.

The Knight of Cups follows his heart, where-ever it leads him.. He's an up and down kind of guy and can be quite moody.
The Pentacle Page says that you need to get good practical practice at whatever it is that the Knight of Cups has caused you to go for.

So I would say follow your dreams and listen to your heart rather than your head but take care of moodiness. You may need to gain some practical experience in your chosen field and there is still a lot of learning to do.


This would really depend upon position and other cards in the spread, but if these two show up as a "couple", I would think that the Page is young, naive, and ready to learn...but if he is looking toward the Knight as his teacher, he may be out of luck in gaining anything other than unrealistic, romantic dreams.

If they show up as an energy with clarification (i.e. the Knight shows up in the card position and the Page is drawn to clarify him), then it may mean that the Knight is someone wearing rose-colored glasses who needs to come back down to earth a little in the situation, as he may be too willing to move forward in a relationship without having given it enough thought.

I guess, like I said above, it would depend on the rest of the cards in the spread if these two were just part of a bigger reading.


It was just a 2 card self spread to get a pulse on my up/down mood when I woke up this morning. And, yes, the knight was the main card and the page, the clarifier.

I'm @ work, and have another deck here, so I thought I'd reflect on the moodiness and pull another card as a clarifier.

Guess what I got?

The Knight of cups! Ugh

Any more reflections on the knight? My Easy Tarot handbook says for those in the arts (I'm a composer/musician too) it could mean interesting work developments or offers.


andyriggle said:
Any more reflections on the knight? My Easy Tarot handbook says for those in the arts (I'm a composer/musician too) it could mean interesting work developments or offers.
I could see that!...Progress in the creative arena (and with the Page of Pents, learning while doing, too?? Or making some money doing it??)



I'm going to go with that reflection!


andyriggle said:
I'm @ work, and have another deck here, so I thought I'd reflect on the moodiness and pull another card as a clarifier.

Guess what I got?

The Knight of cups! Ugh
Clarifiers don't work if you put the original card back in the deck--as the deck will often just repeat itself. Take *out* the Knight/Cups and Page/Pents, shuffle the deck and then put down a clarifying card. Works much better ;)


Given what you've said, I think the Knight of Cups is indicative of your mood and the Page of Pentacles says to work on turning that essence into something more tangible. Although, if you reflect on the Knight of Cups, you could get "turning the essence into something more tangible" as well. The Knight is very moody, but is very capable of creating poetry, music, and art when he's in the mood.


...could just simply be an offer of money or work or a way is coming that will
allow you to learn more about your skills.

Broken down:
..could just simply be an offer (knight of cups) of money or work (page of pentacles)
or a way is coming (knight of cups) that will allow you to learn more about your skills (page of pentacles)


In my experience Knights are active and Pages are passive. You're actively pursuing your romantic dreams and ideals, while only passively considering serious study and work.

You are actively pursuing your imagination, and passively avoiding real life.