lenormand decks with poems??


I've seen a couple of lenormand decks with poems or something like that instead of the playing cards. Does anyone have one of these and how does it work for you? Does it detract or help when you do readings? Just curious. :)


I don't use them because to me the poetry detracts, and the playing card inset gives more info - even if you're not a cartomancer, it's useful to be able to do a quick check of which cards are courts - and you can't do that with the poems.

Besides, the poems are a bit....odd. If the ring is to the right, you'll break up, if it's to the left, it means you'll stay married (or is it vice-versa). Anyway, if I saw the Heart + Ring + Stars + Moon + Lillies all in a block, I'd be inclined to think the relationship is solid whichever side it fell on, whilst Ring + Scythe + Coffin + Mice, etc. would tend to give me the other view - again, regardless of side.

And some of the poems are so badly translated they don't make sense at all - at least the way I read.

You can see the poems here - the cards are turned face down, but if you click each one, they'll come face up with the poem prominent in English - at least that'll give you an idea of what they say, and you can decide for yourself whether you think they'd help.


If you're a collector, the Lenormands with verses are interesting -- but I agree with Gavriela, the verses are not much help with reading. They can be picturesque and charming, but for me the card insets are much more useful.


OK, that's kind of what I thought. I don't like tarot or oracle decks that have words or phases on them for the most part either. So I figured I wouldn't want anything on my Lenormand deck, but just wanted to see what others thought too. Thanks!!