Lenormand decks you're currently using


I hate to admit that ever since I got the Gilded Reverie Lenormand I neglected all my other decks; however as my new Lenormand Cartomancy is on the way, I hope to try to make an effort to do my daily readings with it and with some of the others that have been collecting dust.


Still using the beautiful lilac Dondorf - my favourite style of Lenormand.

flying black kat

French Cartomancy

I am currently using the French Cartomancy deck. I have a lot of different oracles and Lenomand's this is the one I use the most. I also like to use the Mystical, and the traditional Blue Owl with the card inserts. My darkest deck so far is the Old Castle.


Le Fanu


I'm not sure the one i'm using is the gipsy deck by Laura Tuan and Emanuel Santos by Lo Scarabeo.
This is the one (in case others are interested) that was reprinted in Portuguese by Lo Scarabeo in the large size as the Lenormand Oracle. The Portuguese version has Brazilian meanings in the booklet.

I invariably reach for Tag's restored Lilac Dondorf. I absolutely adore it.

I have a grand tableau laid out on my coffee table which I sit and ponder after lunch every day this week!


Melissa Lenormand this week.


This week is Chris Butler's Lenormand Cartomancy deck.


Just got the Bieri Gypsy Lenormand and have done all my readings today with it. I love it. It's definitely different, but I have no problems reading with it the way. Once you realize some of the symbols are a little different, it's like reading with other Lenormands.


The Destroyed Dondorf is my current favorite deck to use. It has such magic and mystery about it!

I also use the new giant-size Lenormand Oracle (Dondorf) by LoScarabeo for our Lenormand Meetup group. It's so easy to see from a distance when we have a large turnout.


I was using the LEN Minimalist Lenormand until I found the 2nd Palimpsest Lenormand.

The LEN was hard for me to use, but with the Palimpsest, it's effortless. I love it.


I am loving my Lenormand Revolution and thus have been doing my daily readings with it.