Linear Spread?


Interested in getting together a collection of spreads that are linear or nearly linear in nature. These could be anything from 5 - 13 card spreads.


Dr Mojo


DrMojo, in what way linear? as in time? Or as in the way its laid out?


D'oh! Didn't clarify, sorry.

Linear as in the way they are laid out. I work with elemental dignifiers (EDs), meaning you take into account the way adjacent or grouped cards influence each other. Linear spreads like I mentioned that are simply put down side by side in a row (or close to it) as in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 are constructed in such a way that it really works excellently.

I've seen a few -- perhaps there are some readers who use the Thoth deck out there (I don't, really, but it uses EDs as well) who use ED-friendly spreads. Just asking to see if any favorites pop up. :)

Dr Mojo


Have you heard of the opening of the key spread from the golden dawn? It's basis is pretty much elemental dignities.


There's also that one in the LWB of the Thoth deck that works well with the EDs.


Hi DrMojo!!

I read your profile so i know you are one expert at tarot. For readings for two months i use to do a linear spread. But i think that is very easy, but i will write that.

The name: the 7 cards

You put at the table 7 cards, than you put more 7 underneath the first 7.
Than the querent choose one card of the spread.
This will be the first, and you start to read for this first.
Imagine 7 cards on the table, the querent choose the 3, so it will be the first.

But my favorite linear Spread is the carpet

You can do it whith 21, 14 or 7 cards.

You put 7 linear cards, than if you whant you put 7 underneath the first, and more 7 underneath the second line. But you posted that you want a linear spread whith 7 or 13 cards so i will talk only whith 7 cards.

1- Family life
2- Work
3- Love
4- Friends
5- Money
6- Health
7- Spiritual

I do this spread a lot, and i had a wonderfull readings whith this one.
Actuatly, i have only one spread that for me works better.

I hope you like it.


DrMojo, look at the 3x3 spread that Osher just posted, it may be of interest to you. :)



I'm no expert, just some guy with a bunch of odd experience! :)

Thanks for the kind words and for the spread. I'll give it a shot immediately! Also, having read for a long time I'm a strange kind of person -- I like to read about Tarot, to see other people's approaches and ideas. I will never, and I mean never, get to a point in life where I feel I really know enough about the Tarot. Thanks to people like you and PlatinumDove, the new angles and ideas just keep cming and I'm very grateful.

Dr Mojo


Thank you DrMojo. :)