Looking for a 'will this honestly go anywhere?' spread!


Hello, everyone!

I'm in a bit of a bind. I've looked through the spread index, and nothing I've checked out seems to fit what I'm looking for.

I have a very dear friend that I care a great deal for. Due to extenuating circumstances, we cannot be together in a relationship sense. However, a part of me is constantly holding on to hope that someday something will change and we'll get our chance. At this point, it's almost like something's telling me I shouldn't give up- whether that's intuition for the future or just very strong wishful thinking, I cannot tell.

So, I'm looking for a spread that can ultimately help find something resembling a decisive answer. WILL we be together in the end? Or is it a lost cause that I should give up? What is the ultimate outcome?

I understand that really there aren't any ultimate outcomes that we can truly gather with the tarot as life is always in flux, but I feel, knowing our situations, that it's a very simple will/won't in the end, but it's that will/won't question that I'm having trouble trying to pose correctly.

Does anyone have a spread that might help?

Thank you!!!



Hmm, I don't personally have a spread for this kind of situation, but I could make one!

Usually when I can't find any sort of spread I need, I end up making one xD Then my journal ends up full of all sorts of spreads I made. :J

You can use cards in the spread that represent:
-Where your relationship is currently
-How it will progress at this rate
-How can you change it?/Can you change it?
Just as a few examples :]


Thank you for your reply, WingspreadPhoenix!

Yes, I usually make up spreads also, but for this one, I just couldn't come up with anything that felt adequate enough. It's usually the conclusion card, how to sum things up with the right sort of question, that I get hung up on.

I like this simple spread you've posted! I've never thought of it in terms of changing anything. It's interesting, I think, and I'll give it a go.

Thanks! :)


edit: Ahh, I've just done this, and I know we're not supposed to post readings in this forum, but I thought you'd be interested to know that in every spread I've done to try and figure this issue out, I've always gotten the four of swords for the future. This might be because we're rather communicationally separated at the moment, but with this spread, I've gotten it yet again. Very interesting indeed. The rest of it was very practical as well. Thanks again for sharing your creation with me. :)