Valley of the Dollar - a spread about finances


This is a spread for someone who has fallen into a financial hole. It is for those who have fallen into a financial valley. The Valley ..... of.... the Dollar.

Maybe you lost a job. Or got a big unexpected bill. Maybe you lost money in a bad investment. Or maybe you've just been living beyond your means. Whatever the reason that bad luck has hit you, here is a spread for some insight and advice.

It's shaped like the letter V to represent The Valley.


1 - The current state of your financial affairs.
2 - The factors that led to this state, external influences.
3 - The factors that led to this state, your own influence.
4 - What will happen if things continue along their present course.
5 - Changes you need to make in your behavior to avoid falling into a financial Valley again.
6 - What you need to focus on in the outside world.
7 - Results if you follow this advice.

Golden Moon

Metafizzypop said:
... The Valley ..... of.... the Dollar....
Is this a "spoof" spread about my "Valley of the Dolls"? lol


I like it I think, but for some reason I just got completely weird cards! In all the spots I expected 'bad' cards, I got good cards. And in the last 2 spots, I got reversed cards... so I'm kind of confused. I'll have to think on it some more.


When I did the spread for myself, I got weird cards, too. But I think that it's a way for the cards to say that one needs to change their perspective about handling their finances completely. I had to spend some time thinking about the cards that came up for me, but they did eventually make sense.

Golden Moon said:
Is this a "spoof" spread about my "Valley of the Dolls"? lol

Well, it's not a spoof directly, but the title of your spread did kind of inspire me, I could say. :)


The "V" format is really good - it kind of reminds me of those financial graphs with the dollar going downhill (losses, etc...) and then coming back up (how to get back into profit)


I like it but I don't see why I would ask for the reasons? I mean, if I lost my job because there was an economical crisis and thousands were laid off, I know the reason. It is beyond my control and I couldn't change it... I wonder how I could adjust it to a situation where all the reasons are pretty clear, sadly. :(


callistoluna said:
The "V" format is really good - it kind of reminds me of those financial graphs with the dollar going downhill (losses, etc...) and then coming back up (how to get back into profit)

Hey, thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't noticed. It makes this spread rather optimistic-looking, I'd say.

Ronia said:
I like it but I don't see why I would ask for the reasons? I mean, if I lost my job because there was an economical crisis and thousands were laid off, I know the reason. It is beyond my control and I couldn't change it... I wonder how I could adjust it to a situation where all the reasons are pretty clear, sadly. :(

Well, if the reasons are completely clear why a person is in a financial hole (as in the example you gave), then this spread may not be the best to use. OTOH, tarot cards are good at adding a little something extra to our understanding of a situation. It wouldn't hurt to try it.


Ronia said:
I like it but I don't see why I would ask for the reasons? I mean, if I lost my job because there was an economical crisis and thousands were laid off, I know the reason. It is beyond my control and I couldn't change it... I wonder how I could adjust it to a situation where all the reasons are pretty clear, sadly. :(

Even though you know, it can be enpowering to reflect upon this. The cards you draw - you can try to fit it to what you know and it may add another dimension. Changing your point of view may change your attitude for the better!


Thanks, guys, I'll give it a shot and we'll see what shows up. :)