Lori Walls' Erotica Tarot

Le Fanu

Am I right in thinking there isn't a specific thread for this deck?

I have just bought this deck, expecting it in the post sometime soon. Who here has it and loves it? Or had it and loathed it?

I read somewhere that this deck did something weird with the suits. Is that right?

I'm really looking forward to getting this deck. All the other Erotic decks do nothing for me. Too one-sided. I really feel that the Erotica Tarot is a deck which celebrates all aspects and all forms of sexuality. I've never understood why, despite the vast array of erotic decks, most of them amount to boobies and not much else.

I'm really looking forward to working a little with this deck. I don't quite know what I'll make of it, but it will be interesting to try


Hmm I really want to like this deck. I did a couple of the RED exchanges with it. It's very...odd. Strangely sci-fi with some He-Man thrown in. It gives me the impression of being the novelty companion deck to a series of erotic novels. Erotic novels that I probably wouldn't want to read.

I think there's a card involving a horse, so indeed ALL forms of sexuality...

Definitely far better than any other erotic decks I'd tried (Decameron, Cassanova...) Its a deck that's erotic rather than simply an erotic deck.

Le Fanu

A porn version of the Navigators of the Mystic Sea? I don't know why but certain cards make me think this! :D


I love the deck and have used it in many RED Exchanges. You'll have to come on by the RED Exchange when you get your deck.


Le Fanu

what is the cardstock like? Who is the publisher? Why isn't it listed here at AT? (I couldn't find it anywhere)


Well, not to be Mr Negative, but the card stock is fairly atrocious. Very thin. It's the only deck I own that's ever warped to such an extreme. And a very teeny tiny deck too. Playing card sized. Hmm now I wish I were home to play with it...The images certainly are otherworldly...

Le Fanu

zan_chan said:
Well, not to be Mr Negative, but the card stock is fairly atrocious. Very thin. It's the only deck I own that's ever warped to such an extreme. And a very teeny tiny deck too...
:( go on. Tell me the worst! Anything else? From the scans I imagined it to be a fairly decent size. No idea why.


That's all really. The cardstock really crashes my fun with this deck. If it were a bit bigger and on a firmer stock (the size and feel of the Navigators would be perfect!), I'm quite sure I'd like it a lot more. It's the only deck I own that makes a perfect S shape. Drives me batty! :(


Le Fanu said:
I read somewhere that this deck did something weird with the suits. Is that right?
I no longer have the deck in my collection, but I believe Pentacles were "Stars" and represented either Air or Fire, while Rods represented Earth.



I found it to be pretty awful once I actually tried to read with it. It is great from the standpoint of fairness that the deck includes all persuasions and sorts of activities but it just was.... anti-erotic for me. I remember that a couple of the pictures were just close ups of genitalia, and then there was the card with a very young boy on it, which I found squicky and the one with the horse.... guess I'm not as open minded as I thought. Including all these different types of activities also made the deck seem like it was pushing boundaries on purpose and made it feel a bit preachy.

The pictures were very explicit but they didn't give me a sense of place and context, or *story* like the Casanova did. I didn't find myself making up stories in my mind about the people in the pictures and what had led up to the moments depicted in the cards like I did with the Casanova deck.

Of course, it is such a personal thing what decks work well for different people and probably even more so once you throw eroticism into the mix.