Lost and Found Cards Singles Bar


I'm missing the King of Pentacles from my Universal Waite deck. I still have an extra High Priestess from my Spiral deck to give to one who needs it.


HELP! I have lost the 9 of Pentacles from the Spiral Tarot. I have searched high and low for it. I wanted to give the deck and book set to my Dad's cleaning lady who is tarot interested. I chose this set because, although I like it, the cards are small and my eyesight is poor. She, on the other hand, has great eyesight ... and I think, from what she has said, that this is a deck and book set that would enthuse her.



Roots of Asia

FOUND - extra 2 of Swords and 9 of Swords from the Roots of Asia. If you need them, shoot me a PM.


Lewen said:
I'm missing the King of Pentacles from my Universal Waite deck. I still have an extra High Priestess from my Spiral deck to give to one who needs it.

The King of Pentacles has been given to me graciously from Chronata, so I can't thank you enough!!!

I still have a High Priestess card from The Spiral Tarot for those who have need of her.



I am missing the dark card from the Clow Card. ^^'' If anybody have a spare or anything, please pm me. I will pay for it too!! My clow cards feel so incomplete without the dark card... T-T Boohoo....

Yellow Munky

Astraea Aurora

Lost and Missing

Aaaahhh, I lost the TWO OF SWORDS from the Llewellyn Tarot. I have searched everywhere ... at home, at a friend's house, in my bofriend's flat, even in his truck ... all those places where I've read. Nowhere. Nada. I'm close to tears ... I miss it since a couple of weeks ... and I LOVE my Llewellyn. I can't believe I lost a card of it.

Have to add, I didn't try contacting the publisher for a replacement card. I wanted to ask you first.

So, does anyone have a spare? It would be highly appreciated and would have a very nice home ... without smoking or dogs / cats chewing it up.

Astraea Aurora


Edited to add: Hurray, hurray!! Found it! In the scanner ;). It has been the last card I had scanned as my 2007 monthly cards. Boy, now she's back, my Two of Swords ... finally at home again!

Astraea Aurora


Pocket Universal tarot need replacement cards

Hi, I my two cards flew into the water, and are too damaged. They are the 5 of wands, and page of pentacles. I am looking for new replacements. If anyone has them I would gladly give you some stones in the mail. I feel terrible I just recieved the cards. Please someone help. :(



EXTRA Zerner~Farber Hermit

Hi all

I have an extra Hermit from the Zerner~Farber deck if anyone is ever in need.

Blessings xx


Does anyone have extras from the Napo, specifically 5 Hierophant and Knight of Swords?



I am missing 1 card from the Russian Gypsy Fortune telling Cards deck
AND have another one double!!!!
These cards have no names as they are 4 quaters with one half of 4 different cards on them sounds weird, but check out pic....


  • G fortun t. cards 1 missing AT.jpg
    G fortun t. cards 1 missing AT.jpg
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