"Lovers Past and Present" Spread


In conjunction with this spread I incorporated my pentagram altar cloth. You begin the spread by placing cards one and two on your astrological element. Cards three and four are placed on your past/potential lover’s astrological element. Cards five and six are placed on your present/prospective lover’s astrological element. Card seven is placed on the vacant element. Card eight is placed at the head of the pentagram on Spirit.

Meaning of the cards:

Card 1: What made you attractive to these people?
Card 2: What these people find unattractive about you?

Card 3: What attracted you to this person?
Card 4: How it will end.

Card 5: What attracted you to this person?
Card 6: How it will end.

Card 7: *A question that corresponds with that particular element

Card 8: Who, one of these two lovers, suits you best?

Sample Reading:

I created this spread after I began to get involved with an old friend from school. We had known each other for a little over five years, but I was a little over a month out of a relationship, that lasted almost two years, and was unsure about what I should do. I broke up with my previous boyfriend after I encountered some health problems that caused me to rethink my path in life, which explains “The Tower” and my search for a partner with stability in the “Four of Coins”.

(My element: Water)
Card 1: Three of Coins- being ambitious, being creative, and having skill
Card 2: The Tower- Disaster that brings enlightenment (pertains to my previous love), shattered illusions

(Past love’s element: Air)
Card 3: Six of Cups- Not willing to let go, loyal
Card 4: Two of Wands- resolving conflicts, new partnership, using initiative to overcome obstacles

(Present/Prospective love’s element: Earth)
Card 5: Four of Coins- Stability, working toward ambitions
Card 6: Eight of Wands- “Much can be accomplished, if you think before you act”

Card 7: (vacant element was fire, so the question I asked was “What do you desire out of a lover?”)
Wheel of Fortune- learning to flow with the circumstances without becoming a victim, new chapter; old project

Card 8: Seven of Wands- Challenges, but they are overcome. Success after extreme difficulty.


I forgot to add something...

This is an eight card spread because I am a Scorpio, and eight is a number that can represent power. You may wish to expand upon the existing cards or even retract some cards to suit you. This is up to you.


This spread looks interesting, but I'm rather confused since I don't study astrology. Mind explaining it in laymen's terms?

Sorry. :(


Well... if you find a beginner's astronomy website, or something like that, it'll say what each sign's elemental attribute is.

Like Taurus's is Earth, Aries's is Air (I think), and Scorpio is water. They've all got attributes like that. Then you put your past lover's card on the point where their element (the water element would be on the left-most point). At least.. I think thats what it means.


That is true...

Here's a list of elements:
Aries (Marchh 21/22- April 19/20)- Fire
Taurus (April 20/21- May 20/21)- Earth
Gemini (May 21/22- June 21/22)- Air
Cancer (June 22/23- July 23/24)- Water
Leo (July 23/24- August 23/24)- Fire
Virgo (August 23/24- September 22/23) Earth
Libra (September 23/24- October 23/24) Air
Scorpio (October 24/25- November 21/22) Water
Sagittarius (November 22/23- December 21/22) Fire
Carpricorn (December 22/23- Jaunuary 21/22) Earth
Aquarius (Jaunuary 20/21- February 18/19) Air
Pisces (February 19/20- March 20/21) Water

A Pentagram's elements (Going clockwise): Spirit, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air)

Hopes this helps!~ If you need further clarification, I'd be happy to provide it!