Lucid Dream


what a wonderful dream and to see them pop up :)

I always adored fairies as a child, this takes me right back to wishing that I would be able to see the fairies at night, dancing in the moonlight...sigh. I never did even in dreams. This reminds me too of the dimensions associated with the fairy world where time shifts and is different... go away for years and and return as if little time has passed, always a crucial element I feel;)

fairies feel to me connected to children , ~eyes opening~being able to see with a child's eyes what adults can't and have lost.



I can't help smiling at this lovely experience you have shared :)
That's exactly what I feel too smw. I believe they are associated with another dimension that crosses over into this one. The same tree, the same backyard, same world, but a different window with different filters. Perhaps they were/are there when I was a child running in my parents' backyard but I just couldn't see them and still wouldn't be able to if I went back. But they're there. :)

what a fantastic dream, GOTH. I have always grown up 'knowing' about the fairies. My maternal grandparents were very much aware of the fairies and we kids/grandkids were taught from an early age to be mindful of them - good and bad. So, I always had an appreciation of the fairies from an early age.

I agree with (Daniel?) htat your dreams seem very prophetical. Your scrying also seems to have really kicked this off, I think. I can see your abilities really growing very strong and accurate since your mother gifted you that first crystal ball. Don't you think this as well?
Something interesting is forming there and I'm so GRATEFUL that I have you to talk to about this CN. Yes, something began with the ball my mother gave me but I realize that things really began to get interesting after I got moon blasted one night with one of the Supermoons a few months back. I may have mentioned it before. I was home at my parents' house sleeping in my room when I was awakened by a FLOOD of light coming from the window. I open my eyes to see and feel the moon perfectly centered in the pane of glass. It definitely woke me and it wasn't exactly in a pleasant way. It felt like someone shining a super, mega flood light in my face. When I woke up and saw the full moon looking back at me I just knew it meant something. Since then, stuff is now happening and I do feel being around my mother intensifies whatever it is. Too much though I'm afraid. I am home now from the visit with her and I feel I can relax.

Back to the fairies..

I wanted to borrow a picture from Ana Luisa's thread to show what they look like. :) I'm figuring it was the shadows of the evening that gave them the coloring, shape, wings and basic appearance of this one. I'm unsure of the heads/faces as I didn't get to focus on them for very long.



Something interesting is forming there and I'm so GRATEFUL that I have you to talk to about this CN.

awwwh. what a nice thing to say, GOTH!

Yes, something began with the ball my mother gave me but I realize that things really began to get interesting after I got moon blasted one night with one of the Supermoons a few months back. I may have mentioned it before. I was home at my parents' house sleeping in my room when I was awakened by a FLOOD of light coming from the window. I open my eyes to see and feel the moon perfectly centered in the pane of glass. It definitely woke me and it wasn't exactly in a pleasant way. It felt like someone shining a super, mega flood light in my face. When I woke up and saw the full moon looking back at me I just knew it meant something. Since then, stuff is now happening and I do feel being around my mother intensifies whatever it is. Too much though I'm afraid. I am home now from the visit with her and I feel I can relax.

ah! Very cool! So, the moon came and bathed you in its mysterious moonlight! :D Sharing its deep, dark secrets for divining. lovely! and, interesting that it intensifies around your mom. Is she into divination at all or does she just leave this for you? It sounds to me like the High Priestess major arcana card or perhaps the Queen of Cups card is very apt in describing you now. :D

That fairy picture is gorgeous!

Back to the fairies..

I wanted to borrow a picture from Ana Luisa's thread to show what they look like. :) I'm figuring it was the shadows of the evening that gave them the coloring, shape, wings and basic appearance of this one. I'm unsure of the heads/faces as I didn't get to focus on them for very long.



"Lucid Dream"

...I still feel the emotions and physical sensations of this amazing dream. :)

How beautiful! Wish I dreamed of the fae. :) (only modern 'nice ones').

My lucid dreams these days are usually more practical:
For instance, dream 1:
I'm fighting vampires. As I'm lucid - I know this means I'm fighting a kidney infection.
So - in the dream I deliberately try to control the outcome of victory against them. If I fail - I know that when I wake up in the morning, I will have to go to my g.p. and get some anti-biotics for the infection.

Dream 2: I'm sitting in-front of a huge banquet of food. As I'm lucid, I know this means I'm hungry and so I wake myself up and go and eat (yes - in the middle of the night). If I don't, I dream all-night about food and wake up unrested.

Dream 3: I'm sitting in-front of a glass table completely covered with crystals and other such paraphernalia and I'm stressed because I have a limited time to pack them all into a bag. As I'm lucid, I know that this means I'm frustrated and a little worn-out by whatever big job I've just taken on - either some de-cluttering of the garage, or some other organisational project.
As I'm lucid, I sometimes decide to wake myself up, or dream on and attempt to change the outcome of the dream - depending.

...Yes, something began with the ball my mother gave me, but I realize that things really began to get interesting after I got moon blasted one night with one of the Supermoons a few months back. I may have mentioned it before. I was home at my parents' house sleeping in my room when I was awakened by a FLOOD of light coming from the window. I open my eyes to see and feel the moon perfectly centered in the pane of glass. It definitely woke me and it wasn't exactly in a pleasant way. It felt like someone shining a super, mega flood light in my face. When I woke up and saw the full moon looking back at me I just knew it meant something. Since then, stuff is now happening and I do feel being around my mother intensifies whatever it is. Too much though I'm afraid. I am home now from the visit with her and I feel I can relax.

Ah yes - the 'moon blasting' experience. Had this often at home growing up as my bed was placed where I could look out of the window at the sky. Sometimes weird, and sometimes intoxicating that lady moon. I do tend to have symptoms of lunacy at times when she's full - I get restless - and if I attend a ritual gathering, or do one myself at this time, I'm usually well 'wired up' afterwards, like being on caffeine (which I never drink because of the 'wiring up'). Sometimes - it is a little too much. Then I try to lie quietly in the dark, and meditate it off.



Lucid dreams are very cool. I wish had more of them! Thanks for sharing your experiences. :)


Tanga! what a very interesting post you have there. I think it is wonderful that you have such great control too with your lucid dreaming. I wish I could have such control, but I do not. Not yet anyway--though I am trying to gain it. :)