lunar eclipse 16-05-03


I was in Wyoming when i saw the partial eclipse for the Mountain Time Zone. It was interesting to see.

The Eclipse started to occur around 9:40 MST, although it was not visible due to the angle of teh earth but a few hours later during the waning energies of this Scorpio Eclipse it let itself be seen on a beautifully partly cloudy night. It was also a very cool night so i wore predominantly red to align myself with the eclipsed energies, i should have worn more black instead.

The left side of the visible reflection was eclipsed and the right side was reflecting the sunlight as the moon usually does. between teh red and white was the physical moon shadowed by the earth. realizing that the eclipse was quickly fading and a new phase of lunar energies were beginning i made my peace with the Wyoming night and prepared for the return trip to Colorado.

Azuremariposa, Wile i agree that the lunar eclipse does affect everything including technology, Scorpio Eclipse combined with Mercury REtrograde probably has a little more to do with your problems since they were in fact opposing eachother, and of course, whichever Timezone your in and how well the eclipse could be seen.