Lunar Eclipse


Well, virgo is my rising sign and the degree of eclipse gets pretty close to my vesta point. While on teh topic of Venus though, there is a powerful inconjunct between my natal venus and the current jupiter in Sagittarius, and a few things in my mind are coming into being.

However, more impacting on my energy levels, and my male dna, is Mars conjunct my natal moon, Aquarian energy abound and all around, my stubborn streak is not letting me let go of my youth desires while the adult in me is being blocked by the lunar eclipse, however water based pisces is not making things any easier with a neptunian energy anchoring everything in place.

And with Mercury going stationary next week, the level of attitude in the air is something to watch out for, Everyones thought processes are being disrupted with certain revelations, truths, and expectations of proffesionalisim.


I dont know anything about astrology but its right outside my window and its amazing.


anyone know what these 2 lights are? im thinking the yellow on the right is saturn - close to virgo but what is the one on the left???


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Sadly, I didn't get to see it because of clouds - but I felt its influence - as Molly hinted, it was a biggie for me, falling in my 5th house, and exactly (to the degree) opposite my conjunct sun and mercury. But contrary to what I had expected - it felt GOOD! I could feel the weight of past crap just flying off my shoulders. I also had a CRUCIAL conversation with my love (initiated by him), which laid a few old ghosts to rest.

And since it was my birthday, it was quite cool too :D

The next two weeks are going to be important, I understand - the time up to the Solar eclipse - it's the time when what was changed by this eclipse crystallises.

Fingers crossed :)

Free Flight

My whole life has been turned upside down. It was not pleasant. But I do remember reading that after the eclipse only necessary people will remain in one's life




I spent Saturday being weepy - normal for me on a virgo full moon. Nothing big happened though.

On Monday I had a nasty confrontation with my daughter's school teacher. The school principal and other parents have now been involved with this issue. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will end to everyone's benefit.


Saturday, I was weepy, too. Rough day. Things weren't mood was crap. I wasn't thrilled.

But Sunday was fantastic, a day of great success...things flowed smoothly, I was in a good mood, and I had fun. That hasn't happened in ages, it'd seem.

Here's something weird: My beloved bedroom t.v. (it's the perfect size, color, look, and been with me through much for 10 yrs and going strong. It ROCKS!) had suddenly been on the fritz for the entire week up to the lunar eclipse. In fact, on Saturday, it just went out for 3 hours and wouldn't turn on. I was so sad. :(

On Sunday, I went and bought a t.v., though I was reluctant because I don't love it...and when I brought the damned thing old t.v. was working again and hasn't done a weird thing since!!

Was it the lunar eclipse playing havoc with my t.v.?

I hope it keeps on keeping on. I love my t.v. :) And I hope whatever happened during the Lunar eclipse, which will crystallize by the Solar eclipse (per Fudugazi), will be all positive.



this is strange

the eclipse was near my ascendant of 8 plus virgo - descendant axis and north node at exact the degree almost of 14 of eclipse - nothing for me

perhaps im dead lol

i had afew discussions with a few people but nothing full moon type engagements

anyway can someone pls see my post 12 and see if they know that planet i was asking about in the picture please

good luck everyone x