Major Arcana and Chackras spread!


I'm really new here, and i already feel "swept away"!!!

I want to share with you this spread that i came up with this week, after desperately needing to do something "different", with just the major arcana (a part in my deck that is complete)!

so, i prepared 7 cards, one for each chackra, in the corresponding color. I made those slighly bigger, that my Major tarot ones, so when I place a tarot card on top of a Chacra card, i see the chackra color around the tarot card. So, the spread is elaborate, this way...

I lay them on a large table, "standing", so it;s an unusually long line of cards, but looks groovy. The chackra cards are placed in order (from root to crown), and then I shuffle the cards, and place them on top...

it gets interesting! I got "Death" on my root Chackra...Hm....I wonder what that means...
And when a friend had the wheel of Fortune on top of the heart Chackra, i told her she needed to make a crucial decision regarding matters of the heart. To choose something, so that her whell will start to spin. or, that a fate issue will develop on the same subject...

this spread is not so much about divination, but more about "what happens in my body right now", and i belkieve that with some practice, there can be physical problems revealed too... some cards will correspond to some body parts, and so on...

Anyone wants to try??? please! and lemmeno how it went!


Cool. I really like this idea. It would be very informative on what kind of attention what chakra/area woudl need. Do you use the cards in reverse as well? I think I would, a chakra can be blocked as well.
Will give it a try tomorrow.


Hm...Using reversed.....
yes, thanks, this sounds like a great idea... It also incxreases the amount of 'possibilities', and it would definitely speak if a chackra is blocked...
But, how would you go about "reversing" some of the cards? when the amount is less, it seems that mixing them is a more neat job.
Maybe i should try this with the whole deck, as well...


Well, if a card comes up as reversed, it's reversed. ;)
I think that I would shuffle the cards thoroughly, then lay them in a semi-circle (I normally don't do that) and go over them with my hands asking for one for a particular chakra.
I do quite a bit of chakra healings with my hands as well, so that should work.


We are getting there...
ActuallyI really like your idea, for asking one per chackra, and nor just having them one after the other...
AND if we lay them in a whole circle, then maybe we can even get something reversed (if something is blocked...
I will try, and report!

ps: I made the chackra cards at about 1-1.5cm larger than the tarot ones...