making herbs more potent through crystals?


Not to sound conceited, but this may very well be revolutionary; I'm just wondering if my medical marijuana will become more potent, if i place it in my serpentine chest/container for a day or two?


I dont think you sould coincited at all.

I also think your idea could work better if you apply it on you.
that is to say wear the crystals or surround yourself with them when using your herb.

there is also the crystals elixir , you could soak your herbs in the crystal elixir , but if you plan on burning them , this may not be such a great idea , haha.

I think you should go for it , and experiment with diferent combinations and see the diferent results , I think this will be interesting , and I would love to read about your results!


Not to sound conceited, but this may very well be revolutionary; I'm just wondering if my medical marijuana will become more potent, if i place it in my serpentine chest/container for a day or two?

I thought the other day that I might "charge" my arthritis medication to be more effective, but that might be more magick than crystal usage I suppose. I was going to program it like a crystal, it doesn't work as well for me as it used to. Anyway, clear calcite is supposed to double the effect of spells, due to the optical refraction thing that it does. Lapis Lazuli is supposed to "enhance the anticipation of a cure" (or increase the placebo effect). That placebo effect, it's powerful stuff. The more I hear about it, the more I think it's self-healing (they did a study on a "placebo" knee surgery, just making an incision and not repairing anything, it was effective).

Anyway, it might also be interesting to see what those stones do for it. I'm just going to be using a quartz wand on mine.