March 2012 IOE--afrosaxon & JONIKA


Hi Jonika,

we are partners again!

I've pinched this fun spread from Deck of the Week:

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This month

1. Something to look forward to this month
2. Something that's a challenge for you this month
3. Your bank statement - how’s your money this month
4. Work - how’s work this month
5. Relationships - any significant events in this area
6. Overview of the month

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What is your inquiry?

Given the nature of the spread, I'd like to see what the cards have to say, so a general for me, please!

Looking forward to it!



Hi! Sorry to be posting my reply two days later. :D Yes, a general reading for me will be great too. Thanks.


Talk to you later


Hi afrosaxon
It seems we both have forgotten about this thread. Are you ready to do this reading this week?



Hi Afrosaxon
I hope you are doing okay. You must be quite busy since I've not heard from you in a while. If you can, drop me a line sometimes. I will appreciate it.

Here is your reading. I am using Victorian Flower Oracle from BABA studio. I will try to scan them so you can take a look at them for a better reference.

This month: APRIL

1. Something to look forward to this month
Jessamine - Compassion

Jessamine is native to South America and American South. It is a state flower of South Carolina. It produces beautiful flowers that smell like jasmine, but the plant itself is poisonous to humans if ingested. In the picture, you can see a mother washing her daughter's hair with Jessamine to get rid of lice in her daughter's hair. This task isn't a pleasant one, but still - the mother came to her daughter's rescue. One of the benefits of this work is the pleasant smell of the Jessamine oil.

And so, you, too, will experience a compassionate behavior of someone. It seems like this month is going to be filled with challenges and obstacles and you are going to need some help to get through them. It is as if you have been struggling a lot and the month of April isn't going to be any better. The advice is, "Don't close yourself up" Talk about your problems with others and don't be afraid to ask for help because you are going to need it! :) This is a good card for you for April. You may experience compassion in a form of charity or "fellow feeling", or just good-heartedness.:)

2. Something that's a challenge for you this month
Water Arum - Roots, Ties

This plant is native to America , but grow all over the northern hemisphere. It produces beautiful creamy white flowers and it is found by garden ponds planted by gardeners or marshes and bogs in the wild.

Ties and roots can feel restricting and oppressive just like we can see that the lady of Water Arum doesn't look happy about her predicament. It looks like you feel restricted and even oppressed by your current circumstances. I assume (looking at the following card) that it has something to do with a lack of finances. It may be very hard to "cut the cord" with our past and our behavioral patterns. I think any kind of change is hard for you. In this case, however, you need to change something to be able to free yourself. It's like you need to how you perceive money and your spending. If you haven't been keeping a list of your expences, do so now. If you've been spending a lot of money on clothes, don't buy 2 shirts but only one this month. Instead of going out to eat every week, go just once in two weeks now. Omit buying expensive items, but be a little frugal in April..etc. etc. I feel like this card is all about breaking your behavioral (habitual) patterns and routines. It's going to be a challenge, but what isn't? It's always very hard to change your life in some ways.

3. Your bank statement - how’s your money this month
Peach flower - Hard Times

We all know the Peach tree; we love its flowers; we love its fruit. Its origins go all the way back to China 10,000BC.

The Peach flower in the pictures isn't happy about her situation. She's hit hard times. The environment around her isn't good - it's too cold. She feels like she is exposed to the unforgiving elements because she doesn't have enough protection against it - hence her bare hands, naked feet, and the muff. Just like this lady, you feel alone in your situation - it indicates that your money situation isn't good.
The best way to deal with it is not to be alone unless you want to. Be frugal this month. Let yourself be invited to events, dinners, etc. Accept help and compassion if it's offered to you. Share your worries. :)

4. Work - how’s work this month
Lilac - A Message

Lilac originated in Greece and Turkey but now grow in gardens in many parts of the world.They are a shrub or small tree - the flowers are white, pink or mauve and with a scent that is less subtle than a rose's but equally pleasant.

The picture depicts Lilac as an attractive young woman who must be feeling very "fragrant" indeed :)She looks grand. Since her expression isn't that one of shock or sadness, I assume the message must be a positive one. So, expect a message regarding your work...It's going to be something such as results of your previous hard work, boss is going to give you a go (like a raise for example), you are going to find out something important ...

5. Relationships - any significant events in this area
Flower Market - A Competition

The most obvious thing about the ladies in this picture is they are all standing in plant-pots. They are at a flower market and the flower-seller sits among them. It's a kind of competition because only the freshest, most attractive flowers will be chosen and bought.

In your case, someone else is going to show up and you are going to feel like she is your competition on "the market". Keep your eyes open and try to appear as "pretty and attractive" as possible under the current circumstances. However, considering your overall disposition (see previous cards), this whole thing may be only in your head. You are not in a good position right now and so anything can seem like they are "trying to get you" or they are "trying to steal what's yours"...So be aware of this possibility and try not to be paranoid.

6. Overview of the month
Cornflower and Poppy - An Admirer

Cornflower is a member of the daisy family and its flowers are true blue. Poppy has beautiful red flowers.

The ladies in the picture look very sophisticated and like they are good companions to each other. What this image seems to say is that if you with to take your admirers' attention further, it is probably safe to do so. He may be the one person who shows you compassion in one way or the other. Just be gentle with him or this is a delicate situation and his feelings can be crushed very easily. :)

I hope some of this resonates with you!

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon
Jonika :love: :thumbsup:


I am attaching the card pictures.


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And this is the last one.


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reading for JONIKA

Hi Jonika!

You have no idea how crazy life has gotten lately!

Anyway, here is your general reading. I dusted off my Celtic Messages deck.

I'll take a page from your book and read for the month of April. :D

1. Something to look forward to this month


The salmon is best known for its perseverence, as it swims upstream (against the current) every year to spawn. Likewise, keep pursuing your goals in a steadfast manner, especially when you seem to be going against popular opinion. You know what's best for you. Temper that steadfastness with wisdom, though; think things through, don't go off half-cocked.

2. Something that's a challenge for you this month


Taranis was the Celtic god of thunder; he is often portrayed with a wheel in one hand and a lightning bolt in the other.

The lightning bolt in this card is really standing out for me. In April, be careful that you don't get struck by someone else's lightning. This could be a bolt of anger, but I'm getting that you may get lovestruck. :heart:. Don't let emotion and passion (or anger).unravel all the hard work you've done this far. Keep it in perspective.

3. Your bank statement - how’s your money this month


Sulis was a Celtic goddess whose tablets were often written in code, requiring analysis and deciphering in order to receive her messages. She was often said to punish thieves by disrupting their sleep and bodily functions until either the stolen items were returned, or the thief died.

This card is telling me that you need to pay close attention to bank statements, receipts, tax forms, and other financial documents this month. Ask questions if there is something you don't understand. Ignorance may literally cost you more than you can afford, and lead to a loss that would be difficult to recover from. If someone else is managing your finances (a stockbroker, etc), get records of transactions to date. Make sure you know where your money is, has been, and is going.

4. Work - how’s work this month


Well! :D I'm taking this card in two ways: you will find something you love (if you.haven't already), and you may meet a romantic interest as a result of work. This is relating back to that TARANIS card, so be mindful! :D :heart:

5. Relationships - any significant events in this area


Boudica was was a battle queen who led an uprising of her British tribe against the Roman Empire. She chose to die rather than be captured, and was known for fighting on her war chariot.

The song "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar popped into my head. You may have a hard time with relationships this month. I'm getting a sense of power struggles, with neither side giving quarter. You may feel like you'd rather "die" than be captured (or admit yoi're wrong); do you like playing hard-to-get? Are you a bit committment-shy? Feel the need to always stand your ground? Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape. :D You will have to determine if being right is more important than being together (or apart).

6. Overview of the month


Nice card! This is a card of harmony, fulfillment, coming full circle (your birthday, in astrological terms, is your "solar return"--do you have a birthday coming up?). Lots of sun and warmth in this card. You may end up taking a vacation to a sunny, warm location. :party: Good times are abundant this month.
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"Wisdom in love" is a theme I keep getting from this reading. The BOUDICA card is.rishing toward the TARANIS card in the reading layout. SULIS sits in the midst of the two (and in the center of the reading). Choose your battles wisely, and realize that sometimes retreat (or non-engagement of battle) is.the best option. The wise (wo)man knows when to walk away, and when to stand.

I hope this makes some sense for you! Keep me posted during April, to see if anything pans out. Thank you for allowing me to read for you again.



I am glad you are back. :D

You got it right. In April, I am going to be dealing with my family A LOT. My sister-in-law is dying and I am going to the hospital to see my husband's family and his mother. Later in the month, my brother and his wife are visiting.
So, there may be some struggles there. I will be careful not to engage in any battles or arguments. My best strategy will probably be to stay away from any kind of arguments or emotional situations.

I am going to check my bank statement right now because I suspect something's not right. Too many expenses happening too quickly. Thanks for the reminder.

You let me know about your April, ok?
Talk to you later


feedback in April

Since our readings for each other were for the month of April, Jonika graciously agreed to let me give feedback at a later date (since it's a bit hard to give feedback, when April literally just began today). I will be back no later than April 30, with feedback on Jonika's reading for me. I've already put a reminder on my calendar.

Thx, Jonika!



Feedback for Jonika

As promised, here is my feedback for Jonika, based on her April reading for me.

Hi Afrosaxon
I hope you are doing okay. You must be quite busy since I've not heard from you in a while. If you can, drop me a line sometimes. I will appreciate it.

Here is your reading. I am using Victorian Flower Oracle from BABA studio. I will try to scan them so you can take a look at them for a better reference.

This month: APRIL

1. Something to look forward to this month
Jessamine - Compassion

Jessamine is native to South America and American South. It is a state flower of South Carolina. It produces beautiful flowers that smell like jasmine, but the plant itself is poisonous to humans if ingested. In the picture, you can see a mother washing her daughter's hair with Jessamine to get rid of lice in her daughter's hair. This task isn't a pleasant one, but still - the mother came to her daughter's rescue. One of the benefits of this work is the pleasant smell of the Jessamine oil.

And so, you, too, will experience a compassionate behavior of someone. It seems like this month is going to be filled with challenges and obstacles and you are going to need some help to get through them. It is as if you have been struggling a lot and the month of April isn't going to be any better. The advice is, "Don't close yourself up" Talk about your problems with others and don't be afraid to ask for help because you are going to need it! :) This is a good card for you for April. You may experience compassion in a form of charity or "fellow feeling", or just good-heartedness.:)

I received quite a bit of compassion, if you will, this month. I got some presents for my birthday that addressed some things I needed but were of a lower priority. I worked with a light worker who helped a lot. This helped my April along.

Jonika said:
2. Something that's a challenge for you this month
Water Arum - Roots, Ties

This plant is native to America , but grow all over the northern hemisphere. It produces beautiful creamy white flowers and it is found by garden ponds planted by gardeners or marshes and bogs in the wild.

Ties and roots can feel restricting and oppressive just like we can see that the lady of Water Arum doesn't look happy about her predicament. It looks like you feel restricted and even oppressed by your current circumstances. I assume (looking at the following card) that it has something to do with a lack of finances. It may be very hard to "cut the cord" with our past and our behavioral patterns. I think any kind of change is hard for you. In this case, however, you need to change something to be able to free yourself. It's like you need to how you perceive money and your spending. If you haven't been keeping a list of your expences, do so now. If you've been spending a lot of money on clothes, don't buy 2 shirts but only one this month. Instead of going out to eat every week, go just once in two weeks now. Omit buying expensive items, but be a little frugal in April..etc. etc. I feel like this card is all about breaking your behavioral (habitual) patterns and routines. It's going to be a challenge, but what isn't? It's always very hard to change your life in some ways.

At the time of this reading, I was stuck in a dead-end job where employee morale was low, and business wasn't good--resulting in reduced employee hours, which led to reduced paychecks.

I realized something had to give, so I started looking for other work. For one particular ad I reslonded, the ad posted called me ten minutes later, I interviewed the next morning, and had a job offer thaf same afternoon. The catch was that since they needed someone immediately, I didn't have a lot of time to give notice at the dead-end job.

The new job ks more money and steady hours, but also a challenge. The change required was so sudden, it was scary. At least with the dead-end job, it was safe. The new job requires me to rin my own kitchen instead of working in someone else's: all successes (and failures) would be on my shoulders alone. That's kinda scary.

I have been back on track with recording my spending. I haven't bought anything expensive this month.

4. Work - how’s work this month
Lilac - A Message

Lilac originated in Greece and Turkey but now grow in gardens in many parts of the world.They are a shrub or small tree - the flowers are white, pink or mauve and with a scent that is less subtle than a rose's but equally pleasant.

The picture depicts Lilac as an attractive young woman who must be feeling very "fragrant" indeed :)She looks grand. Since her expression isn't that one of shock or sadness, I assume the message must be a positive one. So, expect a message regarding your work...It's going to be something such as results of your previous hard work, boss is going to give you a go (like a raise for example), you are going to find out something important ...

As I mentioned earlied, I got an offer to run my own kitchen, which is not only a step up financially, but also allows for more creativity and flexibility and thus is a step up careerwise.The interiew and job offer occured on 4/16; I started the new job on 4/18, and worked both jobs until I left the dead end job a week later. :D

5. Relationships - any significant events in this area
Flower Market - A Competition

The most obvious thing about the ladies in this picture is they are all standing in plant-pots. They are at a flower market and the flower-seller sits among them. It's a kind of competition because only the freshest, most attractive flowers will be chosen and bought.

In your case, someone else is going to show up and you are going to feel like she is your competition on "the market". Keep your eyes open and try to appear as "pretty and attractive" as possible under the current circumstances. However, considering your overall disposition (see previous cards), this whole thing may be only in your head. You are not in a good position right now and so anything can seem like they are "trying to get you" or they are "trying to steal what's yours"...So be aware of this possibility and try not to be paranoid.

Not sure what this is referring to at this time, as I am single and not dating right now. Maybe you're picking up on something farther in the future

Jonika said:
6. Overview of the month
Cornflower and Poppy - An Admirer

Cornflower is a member of the daisy family and its flowers are true blue. Poppy has beautiful red flowers.

The ladies in the picture look very sophisticated and like they are good companions to each other. What this image seems to say is that if you with to take your admirers' attention further, it is probably safe to do so. He may be the one person who shows you compassion in one way or the other. Just be gentle with him or this is a delicate situation and his feelings can be crushed very easily. :)

Again, not sure what this is addressing, but maybe this guy will make himself known soon!

Jonika said:
I hope some of this resonates with you!

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Jonika :love: :thumbsup:

Some of the reading made sense at this time, and some didn't. But I've had readings from otbers come to pass six months after the fact, so I am waiting to see what else happens.

Thank you, Jonika, for this reading! And thank you for your patience with my feedback.

