Maroon Deck


Silverlyn said:
Hope when it IS complete, we'll get a good discount!


The site says that those that buy the Majors only will get a 25% discount on the minors when they are released.

Morgan of Avalon


Oh dear I just completely tortured myself.

I went to the site and looked at all the major arcana completed.
I instantly started getting reads off of it and fell head over heels in love!
I can see soooooooooo much in these cards and I'm only a beginning reader!

I cannot afford to buy the majors just at the moment, and i refuse to pay 2 lots of expensive shipping from overseas to Australia so I'm just going to have to wait for the whole deck to be completed. But how do I wait?! Oh dear beautiful Gilded deck please show me the strength to wait another 6 months or more!!!!!!

Darn it all I wished I'd never looked at that site!

Off to the de-enabling thread right this minute!


Oh WOW these are soooo gorgeous!

Just got my Maroon today...and WOW they are sooooo gorgeous! Only complaints I have on them: Too little picture and too much border, arrghh:)
And I can't wait till the deck is complete! I'm so gonna order it when it is:)

Question: How does one read with just the Majors?




Hi Silverlyn,
Go to the 'tarot spreads' forum and you will find lots of spreads that use the majors only. You will have fun with those! They are pretty cards and I agree with you, too much border. I am trying to decide if it will be too distracting. I really like the artwork and wish there were no borders. How large are the cards? Could you crop them?



Karen:...I actually thought of cropping these myself, because the art is sooooo crystallinely,delicately gorgeous:)

Yet, I fear it'd make the cards way TOO small....the cards are a bit small to begin with (thank goodness, because I have very small hands myself)...

*sigh* I hope the artist finishes the Deck soon, it seems like having no cards with only having these:) But gahhh, wow, I LOVE them!

The cards seem narrower than a lot of Decks, but are as tall as them.

Come on, rest of the deck, LOVE the glossiness level!



Hi karen,
I have the cardsa nd when I look at them my eyes go directly to the picture and not the border. I think if they were to be cropped you'd loose the writing that is on the top and bottom.
I really love mine alot and carry them with me all the time. I am very patiently waiting for the minors to come out.So as I wait I keep looking at what I have, just to keep me from going nuts waiting.

karen0205 said:
Hi Silverlyn,
Go to the 'tarot spreads' forum and you will find lots of spreads that use the majors only. You will have fun with those! They are pretty cards and I agree with you, too much border. I am trying to decide if it will be too distracting. I really like the artwork and wish there were no borders. How large are the cards? Could you crop them?


Morgan of Avalon

I buckled. I've just bought them directly from the site and cannot wait to get them. Any ideas on how long from Poland to Australia?

I just couldn't resist any longer, they were screaming at me everyday!
We just can't eat this week now, but thats ok. I have quite a few kilo's to shed anyways LOL


Silverlyn said:
LOVE the glossiness level!

You do? That's the only thing that seriously disappointed me in this deck. It's incredibly shiny and smooth, almost like plastic. :(


Yeah, I like them to be really glossy/shiny like that, personally.

I know it's not the best for being in light and you'd have to look at them at an angle, but I don't mind in the least:)
