Marseille 3-card combinations


Subject: Life Path
Deck: Dodal
Positions: none (read as a unit)

Chariot - Three of Swords - King of Wands/Batons

Method: Pythagorean numbers for pips, elements for suits, mostly my own meanings following The Process by Umbrae

The King Batons here seems to be moving to the right, and the other two cards don't suggest movement; so, progressing from left to right, The Chariot is being pulled by two blue horses one complacent the other trying to divert the course to the right. Victory is right there if the opposing forces at work can be dealt with. The Three of Swords suggests that there will be trials and difficulties, but the upward sword indicates that this is really an opportunity for growth. The King of Batons means the ultimate mastery of the situation probably becoming "THE man" or "THE woman" on the scene. This is probably career related but certainly something that is passionately felt.

The king here does not mean, necessarily, a man; she could be a woman performing the king of batons function in this situation...I see the court as without gender, but they could suggest gender roles?? After all, there is only the Queen representing females and three other courts for's not fair.

.PS. I hope this thread continues...reading others perspectives has been an education...thx everyone who is participating!


Are we ready for another one?


Issue - Job change
Deck - Kenji's beautiful 1760 Conver
Method - Up to you


The first thing I noticed is how the woman goes from seated to standing... from passive to aggressive as she looks toward her future. Her expression changes from a frown to a smile. This is a positive move in the right direction. She may be in good shape for this "job change" and seems to have the "strength" to get through a few necessary obstacles -seven wands-

She seems to be calling on forces inside herself to meet upcoming challenges. The person she was -queen of swords- was more introspective and thoughtful and has now transformed into someone fierce and in control.


RexMalaki: Previous 3 cards: Chariot - Three of Swords - King of Wands/Batons

.....Victory is right there if the opposing forces at work can be dealt with. The Three of Swords suggests that there will be trials and difficulties, but the upward sword indicates that this is really an opportunity for growth. The King of Batons means the ultimate mastery of the situation probably becoming "THE man" or "THE woman" on the scene. This is probably career related but certainly something that is passionately felt.....
You see these cards as a Life Path that is closely tied to a career. A career-orientated querent. One of those little kids who know exactly what they are going to do in life, and then succeed :)

Amazing all the different takes.


Current 3 cards:

Queen Swords + Strength + 7 Batons

Issue - Job change
Deck - Kenji's beautiful 1760 Conver
Method - Up to you

Looks like a very definate decision to make a change, arrived at with an objective but considerate attitude (Q Swords). I think the Strength card indicates 'resolution'. And the 7 Batons (A Prime & Happy number in the system I'm using), is 'professionally' focussed.

By this I mean that it's not a personal whim or an attempt to get a better job. Maybe some lack of standards/principals at the workplace? (Swords = Disipline, rules, regulations. Batons = Principals, civic concerns, policies).

Bee :)


The Queen of Swords makes me think of a decision being made to leave/end a situation. Strength suggests that the person is following his or her passion and personal strengths. It's also a determination to do whatever is necessary despite any argumentative voices or fear inside (the lion and the crossing wands). Therefore, the Seven of Wands strongly confirms the direction that Strength is going.

Looking at these three cards, the 7 of Wands seems even more dominant than the other two. It seems like a card of balanced power and determination. If I think of sevens as a 'spiritual test in the realm of Wands,' then it tests one's ability to stay committed to going for what one really believes in and is good at.

If timing were an issue, I'd say the decision has already been made inside (if not on the outside)—the time is right. The possibility of doing what you really want is strong. Believe in yourself.


Welcome Rex,

Chariot - Three of Swords - King of Wands/Batons:

RexMalaki said:
..., but the upward sword indicates that this is really an opportunity for growth. The King of Batons means the ultimate mastery of the situation...

I like your interpretation of those three cards, and I can see in them what you describe. Particularly good to see the Three Swords read in this way.

Queen Swords - Strength - Seven Batons:

Herzog said:
The first thing I noticed is how the woman goes from seated to standing... from passive to aggressive

Bernice said: objective but considerate attitude (Q Swords). I think the Strength card indicates 'resolution'.

Teheuti said:
The Queen of Swords makes me think of a decision being made to leave/end a situation. Strength suggests that the person is following his or her passion and personal strengths

I find this interesting, that the three quotes above show the reader as seeing almost the same story:

Passive to Aggressive
Considerate to Resolute
Decision made to Action

As we know, we are dealing with a vague situation here in this exercise but even so we are seeing the same relationship between the Queen of Swords and Strength. To me, this is what Tarot reading is all about, reading the image itself at that moment in time.

I would usually see the 7 of Baton as a realisation card, one of re-assessing and action. This means the whole spread seems to depict a situation where its advantageous to move on, go for that job change, and its even going to be the making of the person.

Looking through various playing card divination methods the 7 of Batons (Clubs) has the following meanings:

success, good luck
virtuous lover


Moonbow* said:
Looking through various playing card divination methods the 7 of Batons (Clubs) has the following meanings:

success, good luck
virtuous lover

True... also levels of "inspiration" or "enthusiasm" or "creativity". If "creativity", then the reading may suggest this person is leaving a non-creative job for a creative one and Strength is her passion finally awake and roaring.

And if we were speaking to an actual person they might reveal something that turns the Seven Batons into something very specific, an actual object even, thereby bringing that image to life.

The fact that the Queen and Strength are back to back also suggests a real turning point in this person's life


Additional old playing card meanings for the 7 of Wands/Clubs are:

Promises the most brilliant fortune, and the most exquisite bliss that this world can afford; but beware of the other sex; from them alone, you can experience misfortune.

A prison. Danger arising from the opposite sex.

A card of caution.

Victory. R: Financial worries.

A small sum of money or unexpectedly recovered debt. R: A smaller amount.

Great happiness and good fortune. Troubles through the opposite sex. Trifling financial matters. R: Money troubles.

Troubles through the opposite sex puts a different spin on the Queen of Swords (if the Querent were male). If this were the case, the querent could be wanting to leave a job in which there was a mean female boss or co-worker (could be a male but then why the Queen instead of a King or Knight?).

BTW, this deck is beautiful. I have the Conver reproduction done from the original woodcuts. Kenji's deck has fewer broken lines and notably different coloring.


I do love this challenge of the intuition! Good stuff so far on the current three.

My take - current 3 cards:

Queen Swords + Strength + 7 Batons

Issue - Job change
Deck - Kenji's beautiful 1760 Conver
Method - looking at them as a group...then going from there

XI Strength is telling me to start with the Seven of Batons: Seven IS Four (stability, # of elements, # of directions, material number) PLUS Three(creativity, fertility, divine number, holy trinity); so, seven is the coming together of heaven and earth. Taking Batons at its spiritual best, then, the Seven of Batons becomes that moment when we realize the divine spark in our human consciousness. But here we have Job Change. Seven of Batons becomes reaching the point where one is passionate about work, loving the job. Going to work is like going to play!

When Strength enters the picture the job requires an exercise of will, having the courage to do the right thing. The Queen of Swords tells me it could be a managerial position, or that it may be a mental challenge, or is there some dark woman (or feminine man at carnival time) lurking in the shadows, ready to stab the soft underbelly... Strength says, "The exercise of Will is the way through, otherwise that dream job might turn you into a bitter, sharp-tongued person who thinks too much."

...and my reading begins to sound like a cold reading "Submit Reply" take on batons is active and having to do with career or some activity that one is passionate about, and at its best spiritual growth and initiation. Coins would be work/money the daily drudgery of the J. O. B., material things. King of Batons brought in the career thing to the previous three...


Great interpretations!

La Reyne d'Epée La Force 7 de Baton

I don't mean to repeat what the more experienced Tarot interpreters have said here, but it is my experience that both queen and La Force point to anger and aggression, and La Force points to a subtle and slow aggression and violence.

In my view, there seems to be some underlining psychological/mental influence due to negative experience, loaded with anger and resentment, which is pushing this person to search for another job.

It seems to me that this person's anger was/is stewing inside him/her due to previous/actual job negativity; he/she is holding it in, planning to get out of this situation, and aggressively searching for another job. This new job will put him/her in a situation where she/he must firmly, but aggressively pursuit her/his duties (somehow I have a feeling of law or some kind of rule enforcement, but L'Empereur is not around, so...). These cards speak to me of an active and aggressive pursuits and deeds (and perhaps violence).