Marseilles NUMEROLOGICAL Tarot Deck By Fournier?


Someone Heard Sthing About This Deck?
Seems To Be Available At Ebay But I Never Heard About These Cards
Hope Sbody Can Help Me, I Dont Know Where To Get More Information


I don't know anything about this deck other than what I see on ebay. I have to say- if you are looking at the same deck I'm looking at, it seems far too expensive.... But I'm a bit cheap.



From the LWB:

"This tarot also shows us how to find out each person's numerological key via their SOUL NUMBER and EXTERNAL PERSONALITY NUMBER, which reveal the person's own EGO. "[capitals in original]

"For this purpose, the top of each card carries a band with three squares. The left-hand square indicates the relationship the card has with astrology, via a symbol. (The astrological correspondence of the 22 Greater Arcana is based on the classification by George Muchery and Aleister Crowley, while that of the Lesser Arcana is based on that of Faith Javane and Dusty Buinker)." [The symbol is the astrological glyph for one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, including Libra which is printed upside down :-( ]

"The middle square tells us the number that corresponds to each card and its reduction to a single figure, which enables it to be interpreted numerologically."

"The right-hand square tells us of the card's relation to one of the 4 basic elements (earth, Air, Fire, Water)." [This is only for the Minors. The right-hand square of the Majors contains the astrological glyph of one of the 7 classical planets, so that the Majors have an attribution of a sign w/a planet. Ex: Magician = Leo/Mercury, which is not explained further in the LWB. The Minors do, in fact, have a symbol representing one of the 4 elements.]

Hope this is helpful. My comments are in [brackets].
