Meaning of the Star


I'm learning tarot, starting out like most people, reading books, and reading, reading, reading. I have two very different translations of what the Star means.

The first - from Rachel Pollack - is Hope, Openness. Let others see the real you. Be a star - Shine.

The second - from Thirteen's definitions - a glimmer of hope, hope and possibilities, these are in the distance, not in the now. It's not going to happen any time soon, but it is possible. If you stay the course, you can reach your destination.

I must say that Thirteen's definition seems to "fit" better to me, but I'd like to hear what others who've been at this longer think.


I'm learning tarot, starting out like most people, reading books, and reading, reading, reading. I have two very different translations of what the Star means.

The first - from Rachel Pollack - is Hope, Openness. Let others see the real you. Be a star - Shine.

The second - from Thirteen's definitions - a glimmer of hope, hope and possibilities, these are in the distance, not in the now. It's not going to happen any time soon, but it is possible. If you stay the course, you can reach your destination.

I must say that Thirteen's definition seems to "fit" better to me, but I'd like to hear what others who've been at this longer think.
I see it as a keep the faith card, I don't usually view it as activity outwardly occurring. But inwardly occurring. Some view this as another wish card of the deck, however I view this as the card of actually making the wish, I don't see it as actually occurring. Its a nice card to get though in my mind, I like seeing it it reminds me that even in dark times to keep the faith alive, even when the world is dark the stars are always shinning their guiding light to keep you on your course.


I'm learning tarot, starting out like most people, reading books, and reading, reading, reading. I have two very different translations of what the Star means.

The first - from Rachel Pollack - is Hope, Openness. Let others see the real you. Be a star - Shine.

The second - from Thirteen's definitions - a glimmer of hope, hope and possibilities, these are in the distance, not in the now. It's not going to happen any time soon, but it is possible. If you stay the course, you can reach your destination.

I must say that Thirteen's definition seems to "fit" better to me, but I'd like to hear what others who've been at this longer think.

Hope, faith, trust. Hope in the situation, faith in life...When the Star comes up for me it is telling me (or the querent) to have faith in the situation, in life, and in those involved because that hope and faith is warranted. Those involved can and should be trusted. All will work out for the best. All is well, and will continue to be.



I would agree to have faith in the situation, but if you do not act and keep moving forward the Star can be a trap, always hoping for a better tomorrow, not making the best of what today is offering. I like to say, being able to see the best quality in every person and situation, having a peaceful/compassionate mind. Having hope is a state of mind.


It may be more a card of promise than of hope. According to Waite, Case, Court de Gebelin, and others, the star is Sirius, the Dog Star. In the Waite deck, note that the woman is pouring water on the land as well as the pool. The position of the Dog Star in the early morning sky was an indication that the annual flooding of the Nile was about to occcur. This was an extremely important event to the ancient Egyptians, because it provided needed irrigation to areas of land used for agriculture.

Some think of the Star as the Star of Bethlehem. According to the Bible, the Magi from the East regarded it as a sure sign of the birth of the Messiah, and apparently this actually happened (at least metaphorically). The Magi would not have made the long, hard journey carrying gifts unless there was much more than mere hope involved.


In terms of personality, its faithful and hopeful.

Do we check the elements when it comes to personality. Star is wind element, wind is always moving taking forms or shapes we cannot see. A restless personality, someone who cannot be easily understood like wind that cannot be grasp?


Ancients believed the stars were not so distant. In some systems, they were closer than Sun and Moon, just smaller. And stars could be very friendly to Earthlings, marking auspicious happenings (e.g., Star of Bethlehem). Stars could also be used as guides, e.g. for navigation, marking the seasons etc.

Stars factored in the daily life of the ancients, and were both friendly and local (as opposed to being the "faraway" impersonal albeit spectacular stars of today). Of course a meteor might be terrifying, but it would be an abberation because Stars are the definition of stability (in the ancient mind).

So my thought is that Star represents a very favorable view of an orderly universe. And this is represented by ancient astrology itself, which seems concerned with auspicious timings (as opposed to, "Tell me the future" like we ask today.) The Star Maiden in RWS appears to be scrying (divination via the patterns in the water), probably asking, "Is this the right time?" for something.

While the Wheel may rule human affairs, the Stars are part of the orderly, eternal Universe. When we experience the Stars, whether through the Tarot or the Hubble, we are experiencing what is Eternal and Divine.


In my personal readings, the Star has heralded dark times in my life... which makes sense because stars can only be seen at night.