Troublesome Ace of Cups beside 7 cups?


Hi, galz and guys,
Got a question for you! I did my first reading for a friend the other day, it went rather well although I used some back up reference. all her cards were fairly positive except the first two which seem to conderdict each other, the 1st. card placed was about self, her journey she got Ace of Cups. the 2nd card placed was about the situation she got 7 Cups. Now when I read the Ace of Cups I saw follow your heart, and the 7 of cups is about getting your head out of the clouds it's not going to happen stop daydreaming, now the question was based as a love question; My thoughts were follow your heart but stay grounded don't get all caught up with fantasies this romance may not be as smooth as your fanatsies.
Does anyone have a different aspect that they would like to share maybe I have misinturpeted these cards, I hope didn't my friend is following her heart. According to the final cards she gets her man so to speak her last 2 cards where the situation is leading: 10 Pentacles ( Apparently her man is wealthy is the owner of a huge buisness)
The last card, The final outcome: 4 Wands marriage/ partnership
I hope you guys can help me out and I hope I don't have to tell her to stop following her heart.


Sounds very positive to me. Remember that Aces indicate a new but unfocused feeling. So you might have read that as what she's feeling is love, a whole new well-spring of it, but she needs to focus it, not let it just spill everywhere.

This would then correspond with 7/Cups which is also about a lack of focus. As you say, getting lost with your head in the clouds--or counting chickens before they hatch--rather than seeing what's real and developing that. I think you interpeted it very right when you reminded her not to get lost in fantasies of what love and romance will be, otherwise she's going to be dissappointed and, perhaps, give up on something that could be real and wonderful for an illusion.

Demon Goddess

I just got a very similar pair to this in a celtic cross.

In this case though, I got an ace of cups (rev) crossed by the six of cups. My reading was in reference to a love relationship between a father and a son. One which cannot move forward because the son is friends with someone who has done some serious emotional and financial damage to the father. The son wants dad to forget the damage and embrace him, his friendship with the other guy ignored, but not mentioned, and dad doesn't want son to have anything to do with this guy who dad sees as a demon that will eventually hurt his son as he has hurt everyone the guy has ever come into contact with previously (TMI, I know).

Anyway, mine also was seeming to me to be a positive reading, but with blockage keeping it from moving forward at this time. The blockage, it seems to me, being the relationship with the "demon" so to speak.

In the reading troubleshooter posted, I think the upright Ace denotes a clearly romantic love beginning, or at least there is the same potential for love, otherwise, why the ace? Then the 7 suggests to me that blockage is gone or that a decision is taken and it's time or at least the potential to move forward is at hand... Sevens being cards of decision initiating action, right?

Since troubleshooter's post was made in May... I wonder, what came of that relationship?


A Time of Enchantment

I might put a slightly different spin on these two, at the beginning of a relationship & given the 4 of Wands outcome - as description cards, they show the state of dizzy enchantment you are in when you fall in love & everything looks possible...I was there very recently, I got those cards too...;). As advice cards, they can mean - enjoy this burst of love, enjoy the enchantment. Don't rollodex your love just yet...

The time of enchantment is not that long-lived. Real life intervenes, sooner or later. But it is so wonderful - why try and box it in, while it lasts? The time for focus and practicalities might not be yet. Love and be loved & enjoy the sheer bliss of it.


how about ace of wands and 7 of cups, my take is be clear of the choice u have made, whats ur take on it?