Mixing Tarot/Oracle cards?

ana luisa

I used them to complement each other. In fact, I read my Tarot cards as oracle ...


I sometimes put oracle cards under the Tarot cards to determine whether the Tarot card is emphasizing the positive aspects or the negative aspects, and sometimes to see if there's anything extra about it. I'm also trying to learn the meanings of the oracle cards so it works both ways for me.


I was having great difficulty reading the Metamorphis tarot...so I just mixed it with the Dream Inspirational cards...and voila! Much easier to just read them ALL intuitively based on the pictures!

I also use oracles and tarot in tandem a lot. I have combined the OshoZen and Tao Oracle before, but I didn't like the results, so had to seperate them out again.


It sounds too difficult to be done to me.. Different sizes and all this stuff...


The service I offer my clients is first to read their hands, then do a Celtic cross spread with the Robin Wood and the Thoth (If I feel they'll react well to it), then do a 4 deck tarot/oracle reading - I use 6 cards from the Osho Zen and 6 cards from the Druid Animal oracle and pair them up to represent the year ahead. Then I get the client to pick 3 rune cards and three celtic tree ogham cards for PPF infuences as well as three crystals (I chuck in a bit of lithomancy!) and I interpret all 5 mediums at the same time.


I've used my Victorian Flower Oracle to clarify readings from the Victorian Romantic tarot. They work very well together.


I think it could be kinda cool.

You know, David Skibbins uses a deck that's made from 78, from 78 different decks. It’s really cool!


Umbrae said:
I think it could be kinda cool.

You know, David Skibbins uses a deck that's made from 78, from 78 different decks. It’s really cool!

That's kind of weird in a cool way.

I have used oracle decks with the Tarot when I am looking for clarification on the reading. Something I may have missed will come out with the oracles.

6 Haunted Days

ana luisa said:
I used them to complement each other. In fact, I read my Tarot cards as oracle ...

:confused: Tarot is an oracle. How do you read differently,or better, in what way do you read tarot that you think you're reading them more as "oracles"?


Yes. I do this sometimes and I find it to be very accurate and also intriguing to myself. It amazes me sometimes how the oracle card can go along so well with the tarots answer. I do not put the two decks together (have to say this from reading prior comments) I shuffle separately. I also use runes along with the tarot at times. It's all great for clarification... or if you go through a period of second guessing yourself.
