Moon sign question


That sounds more like temperament than moon signs - moon in Pisces and moon in Taurus (all other things being equal) get on quite well.

Or there could be a lot of other factors in the charts that point out the friction. But Taurus/Pisces is a good match, again, barring contraindications - of which there are bound to be more than a few, even between the most well-matched couples.


Cactus said:
My husband's moon is in Taurus and mine is in Pisces. The way we express emotions is quite different and actually is a source of frustration and exasperation for me, to be honest.

When we have a disagreement, for example, I get emotional and he shuts down. It's like he cannot come to either a comprise, agreement, or an agree-to-disagree. He clams up, starts being sarcastic (saying "whatever...yeah right...mmmhhmmmm.")

That gets me so boiling mad that he just cannot face our issue and at LEAST just tell me, "Kathy, can we discuss this later - I care about this but I need time to let it sit..." or something like that. Just SAY SOMETHING.

But he doesn't. I can't stand that. Love him but I hate that.
Well, Gavriela is correct in that Pisces and Taurus are sextiled... but methinks the aggravation is coming from the quality of the signs, not their placement.

Taurus is fixed, so the emotional nature is fixed, as in cemented in concrete, *lol*... He feels what he feels, and given the fact that his feelings are fixed, he probably doesn't even know he has variable 'feelings' because they just don't waiver.

Pisces, on the other hand, is mutable. Emotions come and go and are easily recognizable because of that. You easily go with the flow of whatever emotion is being stimulated.

That fixed, Taurus-bull stubborness, in regards to feelings, is gonna dig-in his heels and 'void the noid' at any emotion that threatens to disturb his emotional security, stability, equilibrium. As well, this can be a good thing, for if that bull is pushed too far, he will charge. I would assume that, even unconsciously, your husband is wanting desperately to avoid flipping-out completely and saying or doing something his 'reasoning mind' knows he will regret.

You don't mind emotions... all of them. When they come up, you want to express them, deal with them, have some kind of acknowledgement or validation of them, and then they can pass and you can move on. When they are left unvalidated, or acknowledged with the kind of ridicule or sarcasm you're receiving now, it only exacerbates the original emotion so that now you're dealing with two emotions... the first, perhaps anger over whatever... and then the second, one of resentment that your original anger is being not only diminished, but dismissed altogether. You're left with nowhere to go but sitting and fuming.

'Tis best to discuss things like this when there is peace in the camp, aye? Something along the lines of how it would really help you if, when you both get into the next situation like a fight or some such, that all he has to do is acknowledge your upsetness and you can both then view that acknowledgement as the 'flag' to let it go for now until both are calmed down to talk rationally about the problem.

Of course, since you won't have anyone to return-serve when you're in a fighting mood, *lol*, you should go grab the pillow off your couch and scream madly into it until the pressure of the strong emotion passes, *lol*


young active energy V old passive energy

The Moon is 'old yin' - female energy that has gone by, the past growth and nurturing, your family heritage, roots, it describes your type of mother (based on sign or house placement) and the mature females in your life.
(Saturn is the 'old yang' - male energy that has gone by and father figures, authority structures.)

Having a Moon connection between charts will only be meaningful in the sense that you connect as 'like souls', it will not produce any sparks.

Venus is the 'young yin' - active female energy, growth. In a man's chart it is the type of woman he is attracted to.
Mars is the 'young yang' - active male energy. In a woman's chart it describes the kind of man she is attracted to.

In relationships, a connection of Venus and Mars between charts will produce the sparks and active attraction. (The Moon and Saturn have already been there, they represent what is already established and solidified, they are not young and active.)

Also, you should look to the sign on the cusp of the 7th house and any planets placed therein to describe the type of relationships you have.