

Immanuel Velikovsky

Saturn is not a conspicuous planet in the sky.
Were it not for its sluggish movement, an unaided eye
would hardly distinguish it from the surrounding stars.
In many ancient sources Saturn is called “sun.”

The usual name for Saturn in Chaldean astronomy
was Alap-Shamas, meaning “Star of the Sun.”


The eclipse idea works with the lunar cycles.There is a twilight quality to the moment in time,day darkening into night,the cusp where conscious and unconscious meet or divide,neither day nor night.


Frank Hall said:
The eclipse idea works with the lunar cycles.
I used to think we might be seeing some kind of eclipse too, though with all the bursting light it would have to be a solar, rather than much quieter lunar, event. (How odd still, to show a solar eclipse on a card called The Moon.) But I have consistently found evidence that to me, suggests something much more intriguing, more in keeping with the irony we so often find in the original cards. After all, it is the Tarot.


nova-like starburst

ros said:
Why is the background blue?
Remember that it's only called The Moon, and it's Tarot.