My Dog Ate my Cards!


I just, JUST got my Vanessa deck not three days ago...and for whatever reason (probably because my partner is out of town this week and the dog is either apprehensive or ticked about it), my dog swiped them off the table and chewed several of them up.

I am so sad! The few readings I had a chance to do with it were great. Not terribly deep, but there was a very fun Sex and the City, girlfriend-to-girlfriend-advice feel to them. I was looking forward to getting to know the deck better.

Oh, well...guess I have to hunt down a new one. In the meantime, I'll keep my other babies well out of reach (not easy with a Golden Retriever!), and the cards that remain of the Vanessa deck will get left in random places. I listened to a podcast about doing that the other day, and really liked the idea. I guess now I have the perfect deck for it. The Vanessa cards are so light and friendly and adorable, I think it will work well.


your dog ate them?!?!

i'm sorry, deaconblues, but you'll still have to turn in your homework. :D

p.s. i tend to use misfit cards as bookmarks. i read multiple books at a time and finish at different rates so there's always a nice surprise when i open a forgotten book.


Oh man that really sucks. Retrievers can sometimes be a royal pain. My neighbors have a Black Lab that stole a pack of cards off my front porch that UPS left. He stashed it for a few days then finally dropped it on his front porch where the neighbors found it and called me. Luckily it was only the package that got chewed up and not the deck.


And I thought cats were bad?! :D

Our kitten (who's nearly full grown now--10 months old) was a terrible chomper when he was small. He vampired the first page of a journal book of mine while I still had it in my hand! Fortunately I wasn't doing anything with the cards last winter...

I never had to deal with that with our older cat!


This has happened to me. My poor Ator Tarot is full of puppy energy. We hatched some puppies a year ago, and it was quite an experience. (We still have to keep a close eye on the three we kept.)

Tarot decks are just the right size to grab and make a run for it.



This sounds like the stuff my students would tell me when I was a teacher in Jr. Highschool and they had homework assignments.

Student: "Ah, I don't have my homework, Miss Baroli

Baroli: "And why is that?"

Student: "Ahhhh, the dog ate it."

Sorry, about your deck.


Oh dear! I have that problem, well, I don't have any pets, but I have a son which damages my cards, doesn't eat them :rolleyes:

My Radiant Rider-Waite deck is now incomplete, due to irreversible water damage, and what else. Other decks have been touched, but I have managed to retrieve all of them, some of the cards were bent, but that was easily fixed, some of them are a little damaged, but still are readable.

I am more sad over my oracle collection, I had quite a collection, and that has soon been whittled down to just four decks. With the oracles it is not just the cards but the guide books, I need the guide books with those, pages torn out, and in some instances, cut!

I feel for you, I really do, because I have suffered in the loss of decks or cards, because of outside factors! Thankfully now, he has got a few cards from an ordinary pack of playing cards! I have a few more cards elsewhere, just have to drag them out (I know where they are) for him to play with.


Oh no! My sympathies, because

this is precisely what I've been paranoid about with my kitten. She's into everything, and if there's one thing I'm insane about protecting it's my cards. I've already put my good tea set away, because one of my prior cats broke a favorite teapot when he was her age.

It must have been a shock, especially if your dog is grown and hasn't done anything like that before. At least with a kitten I've expected it so I've been ahead of the game. Still . . . I'm taking this as a warning not to grow complacent.

I'm looking for higher and higher, and more enclosed, secure hiding places . . .

kitten-proofing expert in the making ;)


Nevada said:
I'm looking for higher and higher, and more enclosed, secure hiding places . . .

kitten-proofing expert in the making ;)
I've tried that with little man, did work for some time, now, alas, nothing safe, even if I put it in a place that is practically impossible for me to get to, he will always find a way.

I suspect a kitten will be pretty much the same way ;)


I thought the Vanessa came in a tin. Did he get the tin open somehow?

Several months ago, when my oldest (that I'm not raising) grand-daughter's dog lived with us, I had a doctor's order to have some testing done the next day at the lab here and I had the paper in the side pocket of my purse. The darned dog lifted its leg on my purse and there went the doctor's orders. :bugeyed: Purse, too, because I threw it away after salvaging everything out of it.

So my excuse to the doc couldn't even be "The dog ate it". Had to be "The dog pee'd on it". :rolleyes: .