My minor arkana-links work better now


Yes I see it now! Danke!


Queen of Swords

Fine, Debra ;)

The next card was a little shock for my friends. It´s the Queen of Swords:

If the King of Swords is the judge, the Queen of Swords is the executioner (executionesse?). These is a hard but consequent image. She makes the judgement material. That mustn´t urgently go together with bitterness, but often it´s an additional effect. She cutted the chain and she did use the guillotine, you can see the blood on the floor. She wants to keep the good (white butterfly) and kil the evil (black butterfly). Well she can´t see yet, that they both belong together. She thinks, these executions aren´t really her job, but she does, because noone else dose it, and it has to be done. This resoluteness brings movement back to her life. The 15 parts of her chain-shirt could speak about a kind of emotional self-consciousness in communication (15 = devil).

All cards:

by the way: I´m finished with all cards ;)


YIKES! Well, that card is perfectly clear! Too bad for me that I'm the Queen of Swords! But good for you that you have has been wonderful to watch you put up each image and discuss your ideas about them. I love this deck and hope you will have an agreement with a publisher...please let us know your progress!


Well, about the publisher, I would like to ask you for help. If a lot of people ask for a Langustl-deck, he surely would be open to publish it. But if I´m fished with explaining the rest of the cards here, I want to start a "finished-thread" and write all these things around down :love:. Thanks for your help and thoughts and everything !


Langustl said:
Fine, Debra ;) the way: I´m finished with all cards ;)

Congratulations Langustl!!

Time to crack open a bottle of champagne...! (Or two...!)

It really is a beautiful thing, and a great accomplishment.

I wish you the best good luck with the next steps. :)



Thanks a lot OnePotato ;) !

I will have meal outside in an indish restaurant with my daughter this evening, to have a little feast. I´m proud, yes. The next step is, I will have an online-tarot in one of my German forums. Will be online the next days, I guess. I finished everything today, and Im waiting for the technical steps of the administrator now.

The next explanation, the NINE OF CUPS:

This card shows a few things, we need, to feel well. Freshness (blue), warmth (red), music and art (the notes), food, drinks, maybe alcohol (grapes), love (hearts). It´s impotant to feel good, but if it gets too much, we will have the green areas. We try to hold it, we get lazy and all this. We eat too much ore drink too much alcohol. Let´s keep the balance ;)

All cards:


Congratulations !!!

They are so beautiful , I love looking at the pages witha all the cups on them
the set has its own energy and just throbs with love...hope we don't have to wait too are trully a Master...


Hi Wings !

Thanx very much for the "master". I´m happy, that the cards throb (learned a new word ;) ) with love. I hope to get it published soon. All wise man and women around me say, yes it will ;). That´s my feeling too. I know all the people I should know for that. It will work ;)


Well, let´s finish these explanations ;)


Maybe you remember the Five of Wands. Five people try to fix a broken beam, but they don´t find the same direction. Well, one got the solution now. But the others also want to help and do something. It´s the old way, but that one learned, how to do it. What is left to do, is to stop his old friends (his old kind of doing things). He knows better now, and he wants to fight against the old chaos. So the leaf at the supporting wand is a symbol for a transformation of energy.

All cards: