Naos Deck Sinister Tarot 2011


Hello Aeclectic,

I tried to post this on my older Naos thread but my computer keeps giving me a strange exception/error msg, so I'll just post a new quick one here.

Eight years ago I created 18 decks of the Naos Deck for the ONA.

I'm presently organizing a re-print.


Dusk Till Dawn

That is excellent News! I can't wait for that!


I'm thrilled to hear this news Ryan, I am definitely interested :)


Count me in!


This is very exciting !


Is there a sign up list ? I am ON it :D


Ryan said:
I tried to post this on my older Naos thread but my computer keeps giving me a strange exception/error msg, so I'll just post a new quick one here.
Ryan, was this the older thread you were searching for? satanic deck

I checked on your search and the trouble comes when you type in "Naos" with "deck" or "tarot." Try "Naos" alone.

Your friendly, neighborhood co-moderator in training, Thirteen


I'm guessing he mean his own threads - this one and this one.

And the error message could be that the old website is no longer there ?

Will this be the 78 card deck, Ryan ? Hope so ! (I have the majors one !)



Hello again,

I had no idea it would be so warmly recieved - thanks guys :)

There's no sign-up list, but since some of you have expressed interest in owning a deck, I'll come back and give you first choice when they are printed. I'm keeping a running update on my Mvimaedivm Wordpress page, but when I know more about when I expect them to be ready, I'll post it here.

At this stage, I intend to print another 18, but I have to speak to the printer to get a definite idea - it might be a larger print to supply more people than last time with a standard deck - but yes, it will be the full 69 card set (the 70th card was printed with the special edition to indicate the edition number).

Yes those are the threads I was looking for - thanks gregory and Thirteen.



Oops yes - I did know it wasn't 78; I just meant please more than the minors !