need to get better


i'm very good at one card readings

but i don't know how to start getting into spreads

how would you describe the differences between one card readings and spreads when it comes to shuffeling or any other issues. how do you keep the same level of confidence.

i have had success, seemingly, with spreads, but my confidence is a lot lower, and it just feels like luck that the readings worked out.

with one card readings i know for certain if the card is right or wrong


More practice needed.
Confidence comes through practice.

Why should there be a difference in shuffling if it's for 1 card, or for a spread?

Are you practicing here on AT?
You could offer readings for feedback - you could do 2/3 card spreads to start.
Or join one of the reading circles.
There's a Newbie reading circle which I believe keeps the spreads simple.

Read other peoples spread interpretations - play in the Tarot games section.