Tarot does not work?


I came to this idea today - tarot does not work. I have made predictions and others have made predictions and they have not came to fruition.
Anyone have stories of when tarot did work for you?
Anyone can say why predictions for me never come true?

Cheers :)


how are you doing readings? are you saying "will this happen for me?" I have found predictions are touch and go for me and I normally regard them almost as a fun game, not serious. I have found for me that Tarot is far more useful and accurate when you use it for evaluation. what decision should I choose? how can I get what I want? etc etc. But it's the least accurate when I ask yes or no questions? for example asking if you will meet and marry someone in the next 2 years is so wide open as a question and if the reader never socialises it's probably not going to happen :) We have a part to play if we want the predictions to come true by taking an action towards that :thumbsup:


It sounds as thought you have far too much invested in "this has to come true" - and when you get a reading that says something you want to happen "will" happen, you sit back and think "Oh great, I will wait."

I don't believe in predestination, and that also means I don't see tarot "predictions" as set in stone. If a REALLY good psychic told you you would be run over by a bus at 5th and Madison on Thursday at 2pm - you'd avoid that intersection that day, no ? Same thing with readings. You can take action and change what comes out of them.


I guess the future is up to you, and tarot is just a guide. I've just lost so much faith in tarot in a kind of way I guess. Too many incorrect predictions, tarot tells me to do this, I do it, makes the situation worse. Hopefully you get the drift?

I did have a mediumship reading from a friend a very long time ago, that turned out somewhat accurate.


I’m kind of glad not all predictions turn out “accurate”… It means we have some control over our own life and situation!

What’s your belief when it comes to predictions? Do you believe that everything in life is predetermined? Because then yes, if your predictions don’t turn out accurate I understand that tarot doesn’t seem to work for you.

But if you believe that you can shape your own future, then tarot could be seen more as an advisor and guide. Instead of getting a yes or no when asking “Will I get that job?”, tarot can show you HOW you can increase your chances of getting that job. That’s how I use tarot so I consider it a tool that works very well.

Sometimes the message I get is that a certain situation is out of my control actually (i.e. the job I want is intended for someone who has 10 years of experience, and not just my one year, etc…) so I know that and can move on to something else. But often I find I can affect the outcome… If I’m looking for love the tarot most likely won’t tell me to sit back and wait for prince charming to show up, no the cards will probably tell me to stop being a hermit sitting at home with my books, and instead go out and be social – thus my chances of finding prince charming have increased, with the help of a guide (tarot). ;)

And also to believe that each reading you do is going to turn out 100% accurate when it comes to predictions, then you must know that you have interpreted the cards the “right way”. Did your emotions get in the way? Did you ask something you REALLY wanted a specific answer to? Were you scared of asking? Did you in fact not want an answer? Did you ask a clear question? Did you read the cards not remembering what you were in fact answering?

Tarot can be quite a complex tool, in my opinion. A lot of us make mistakes when reading the cards, because it’s not as simple as just reading a written sentence. I know one of my most common mistakes is to actually forget about my question, and start to see other things in the cards, things I didn’t even ask about… A reading like that is bound to turn out a bit wobbly so to speak.


I use tarot to give me advice on matters in my life, I don't use it as a tool for prediction, at least not yet.


Actually - if you believe the future is set in stone - why get a reading ? Nothing will change, so you may as well wait to be surprised....


Major things are predetermined, little things you can change. A major thing would be like a marriage, a little thing will more likely be something similar to an accident where a couple of bones are broken. That is large, but in the scheme of ones life it is small.


Major things are predetermined, little things you can change. A major thing would be like a marriage,

Marriages aren't set in stone.

A little thing, like feeling awful, can throw a conversation out of balance so much that the planned proposal never happens.

I once, unaccountably, backed out of a kiss that someone I was in love with started. I have no idea why I did it; both of us had strong feelings. We'd even talked jokingly about houses we'd like to live in. I blew my chances - the person felt that I wasn't interested and backed right away from me on a permanent basis.

A male friend of mine once gave the woman he adored and had dated for years, one more chance to marry him (she had wanted to do so). She had a habit of being hours late, sometimes days late for everything, and it had caused him a great deal of grief and anxiety over the years. He bought her a plane ticket (to Amstadam, where she had accepted a job), and told her all she had to do was board that plane instead of missing it. She operated true to form and missed the plane. It broke his heart. He never married her. He would definitely have married her if she'd made the effort to be on time on that one occasion, and she knew that.


It matters on what is being read...

Some readings are set in stone because they are reading the personality and habits of that person in the situation.

If someone told me to be romantic and sweet vs not upfront and unfiltered for a situation to avoid being xyz.....that situation would be xyz because it is a personality trait of mine and it is hard to change personality and communication skills so shortly.

Other readings are done about things that are out of your control... those have a higher chance of being accurate.

But questions that are about things you have a strong control over.. you being a major player... are the situation that easily change depending on what you do.

So I would look over the type of questions you are asking.. It's like asking the cards if you will get a job in the next 5 months but only apply to 2 places. The cards will say "yes you will get a job in the next 5 months", but the reason it is saying yes is because you have full control over the possibility....like applying to 6 jobs per week.

I hope I made sense.. i tried to explain it best as possible.

But readings are more likely to be set in stone if you are asking a question that is influence heavily by someone's habits/personality... other readings are less likely to be set in stone because there are too many outside influences.

Also tarot.. I notice are not good for readings on event base questions. Tarot is looks more on the psychological...energetic level.

Just my opinion.