New Crystal!


I recently purchased two scolecite crystals. they have been on my wish list for awhile and I finally decided to get them. I put the choice of the crystals into the hands of my friend who owns a New Age Shop in VT, where I use to work and she did a great job. I told her what I wanted and then sent her my monies and she got them and mailed them back to me!

online, this is what it has to say about scolecite:
Scolecite is one of the high vibration crystals, and is a strong stone to aid communication, especially with spirit, and has a strong resonance within the chakras from the heart up. It is a stone that awakens the heart, and facilitates deep inner peace and spiritual transformation.

I wanted it for a few reasons,

(1) because it is a high vibration crystal

(2) because it is a strong stone to aid in communication and especially with spirit. I always find this important for me--because I tend to freeze face to face with some people in telling them what I want to. Maybe this will help? time will tell. And, since I am a psychic - medium, hopefully, this crystal will help with any future medium readings! :)

(3) I guess everyone can always use help with deep inner peace, (I know I can!)

(4) I am going through spiritual transformation, (isn't everyone?) and any help with that is also much appreciated

(5) I was told it is a great help for sleeping and dreaming and remembering your dreams

(6) will work great with many other crystals, specifically the moldavite, which I also have and lately as become a bit heavy for me - energy wise...

So, the first night I got it, I put it under my pillow and the rock piece on my bedside table. I was most looking forward to it helping me sleep and dream. Unfortunately, my sleep was HORRIBLE! As tired as I was, I simply could NOT fall asleep and stay that way for more then 3hours. So, I was up and down and up and down. *sigh* :(

But, last night, I left both crystals on my bedside table and I slept like a rock! :D (excuse the pun. ;) ). I really did sleep great and long. Not sure if it is due to the crystals or just my being so completely overtired. At any rate, I got sleep and restful sleep too!

I also had a very odd dream, about my sister law and I and while I can't really share it here as it was about something very personal for her and something that occurred in the past, I woke up really getting a whole new understanding about it and maybe her. We're not really very close and live far apart, but it left me feeling differently about her and that situation. Was it the scolectie? *shrugs* not sure. but, I'll keep the crystals with me and see what else will occur.

Here is a website that gives some really good information on the scolecite:

Anyone else have this lovely crystal? Please share your experiences with it if you do have it. I look forward to hearing about your experiences with it.

I was going to label this thread "Scolecite" but then I decided to change it to read "New Crystal!" and ask anyone who has recently purchased a new crystal to share it with us here, (and pictures too, if you can!) and tell us why you purchased it, how you use it, and what gifts it has brought to you. I look forward to hearing all your stories! :D


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Beautiful crystals celticnoodle! :thumbsup: I've been eyeing Scolecite for a while but haven't purchased any yet. So glad to hear that you finally got a good nights sleep. I hope that you absolutely love working with it! :D

I got three new crystals yesterday. A large piece of Azeztulite (from North Carolina), that was gifted to me by a friend :love:, and it has amazing energy! Very high vibration crystal. I have meditated with it twice already. I can't stop picking it up, looking at it, etc... lol :p

The other two are Gold Selenite, and a Howlite heart shaped crystal. Gold Selenite has been calling me since the first time I saw it at a local metaphysical shop. It was still there when I visited yesterday, so I bought it. I absolutely love Selenite, this is my first piece of gold.

~High vibration
~Higher Self
~Life Purpose

Howlite - I got it for the purpose of alleviating insomnia issues that my husband has been having. I have our room gridded with amethyst as well, hoping the addition of the Howlite is boost enough for him to get a good nights sleep.

Thanks for sharing celticnoodle! :cool2:

Pic attached - Left to right - Azeztulite, Gold Selenite, Howlite


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Oh, nice, LLP! I also LOVE selenite. I have a few pieces, but my fave is the Selenite tower. It reminds me of a snowy mountain. They are also GREAT crystal cleansers, you know?

Is the Azeztulite naturally from NC? So cool!

I also have a Howlite, but not a heart one. That is beautiful! My howlites are just smaller stones--polished though and nice. I haven't really done much with them. Gotta spend time with all my crystals really to just get to know them better. I have a rose quartz in the shape of a heart and Love that one too! :)

I don't know if I knew that about Howlite, thank you for telling me. I may have known it and forgotten. I also have some raw amethysts that sit in my room. I love them too. I hope you husband finds some sleep soon. I often have sleep issues, but much of it is my own fault too. Last week we had company visiting and I stayed up late to visit with them when I should have stayed on my schedule. oh happens. ;)

Thank you for sharing too, LL&P! :thumbsup:


What wonderful crystals, the scolecite. They look so peaceful when seeing the pic, congrats :). I havent seen that rock in the crystal shop here.

Selenite is one of my fav crystals as well. Never seen a gold one! I have one in a pendant, I just feel so good wearing it :)


What wonderful crystals, the scolecite. They look so peaceful when seeing the pic, congrats :). I havent seen that rock in the crystal shop here.

T.Y. Adriana. It is a peaceful stone. I love them both. :) I love flat stones if I plan to hold them--as they just feel so good--but I also love the small tumbled stones to use for crystal grids, (which I am just beginning to get into) and to also lay in a dish with others. they just look nicer in a dish then the flatter stones.
Selenite is one of my fav crystals as well. Never seen a gold one! I have one in a pendant, I just feel so good wearing it :)
Yes, the selenite is also one of my faves. I can imagine how beautiful your pendant must be! It is also a high vibrational stone. It is great for clearing the negative energies around you and if put near other crystals--around them as well and a perfect way for cleansing your crystals. (in case you didn't know).

Have you ever seen a Green Selenite crystal? I recently found them online when googling crystals. GORGEOUS!!! Crystal collecting is more addictive then buying tarot and oracle cards I think. At least for me. :D Google "green selenite crystal images" to see. Some are a light green with white over top that reminds me of a first snow falling on top of green grass. :)


Green selenite...I haven't seen it in person, but would love to have a piece. It is beautiful!

Oh, nice, LLP! I also LOVE selenite. I have a few pieces, but my fave is the Selenite tower. It reminds me of a snowy mountain. They are also GREAT crystal cleansers, you know?

Is the Azeztulite naturally from NC? So cool!

I love using selenite to cleanse other crystals, too.

The piece of Azeztulite that I have was found in NC. I don't know if it's found anywhere else, I haven't looked into it.

When I meditated with it, the feeling/sensation reminded me of selenite. I could feel it through my entire body, felt safe, peaceful, just very good overall. I had the most visual meditation with it, that I've had to date. I'm still working out what everything means...I can look back at my meditation notes if you want more details. I'm having a hard time 'waking up' this morning, so memory is pretty foggy right now.

I also have a Howlite, but not a heart one. That is beautiful! My howlites are just smaller stones--polished though and nice. I haven't really done much with them. Gotta spend time with all my crystals really to just get to know them better. I have a rose quartz in the shape of a heart and Love that one too! :)

I have a lot of smaller stones as well, and absolutely love them all. :love: I have a tumbled rose quartz that I love, I bet your heart shaped rose quartz is fabulous!

I don't know if I knew that about Howlite, thank you for telling me. I may have known it and forgotten. I also have some raw amethysts that sit in my room. I love them too. I hope you husband finds some sleep soon. I often have sleep issues, but much of it is my own fault too. Last week we had company visiting and I stayed up late to visit with them when I should have stayed on my schedule. oh happens. ;)

Thank you for sharing too, LL&P! :thumbsup:

Thank you CN! My husband has slept well the past 2 nights, thankfully.
LOL You sound like me. :p I would have stayed up visiting with company instead of going to bed like I should, too!

It's hard to keep up with what crystals are good for 'this and that', isn't it?! More often than not I grab my crystal bible, or do a quick internet search to be sure; then choose from the crystals that I have in my collection. lol

What wonderful crystals, the scolecite. They look so peaceful when seeing the pic, congrats :). I havent seen that rock in the crystal shop here.

Selenite is one of my fav crystals as well. Never seen a gold one! I have one in a pendant, I just feel so good wearing it :)

Working with Selenite is wonderful, isn't it?! :) I can understand why you feel so good wearing your pendant. Absolutely LOVE selenite!

I bet your pendant is beautiful!


Green selenite...I haven't seen it in person, but would love to have a piece. It is beautiful!
agreed. :) me too! another one on the wish list. :laugh:
The piece of Azeztulite that I have was found in NC. I don't know if it's found anywhere else, I haven't looked into it.

When I meditated with it, the feeling/sensation reminded me of selenite. I could feel it through my entire body, felt safe, peaceful, just very good overall. I had the most visual meditation with it, that I've had to date. I'm still working out what everything means...I can look back at my meditation notes if you want more details. I'm having a hard time 'waking up' this morning, so memory is pretty foggy right now.
oh yes! I'd love to know--if you care to share. t.y.!

I have a lot of smaller stones as well, and absolutely love them all. :love: I have a tumbled rose quartz that I love, I bet your heart shaped rose quartz is fabulous!
i'll have to find it and take a pic of it. :) it is really pretty.

Thank you CN! My husband has slept well the past 2 nights, thankfully.
LOL You sound like me. :p I would have stayed up visiting with company instead of going to bed like I should, too!
:laugh: We don't get to see our daughter & her family often (at least not often enough in MY book!) so when we are together, I try to spend every minute I can with them.
It's hard to keep up with what crystals are good for 'this and that', isn't it?! More often than not I grab my crystal bible, or do a quick internet search to be sure; then choose from the crystals that I have in my collection. lol
I do the same exact thing. The worse thing is that I have forgotten what some of the crystals are. I try to find them online or in a book to identify them--and I've taken to writing down their name very tiny like-on a piece of sticky paper to stick to the crystal. There has got to be a better way!


Hi celticnoodle!

If you figure out a better way to keep track of which crystals are which, please do share. As of right now, I have several that sit on top of the paper that they came with. lol

Happy to share my meditation experience with Azeztulite. :)

First, it was the easiest meditation session that I've had. What I mean by that is, it didn't take me but a minute to slip into a meditative state. I heard 'nothing' going on around me. My dog likes to 'talk' to me when I'm meditating, and I didn't hear him at all. He's very vocal. :p lol

Sensations / feelings: Peace, protection, love. It felt like I was surrounded by powerful, positive energies. I could feel the vibration and sensations through my entire body.

What I saw:
Purple sky with white clouds. When the clouds changed shape, it reminded me of looking through a kaleidoscope, if that makes sense. The shapes would pulse right before they changed, all but one was very clear.

Tiger face
Triangle pointing up to the sky
Lion Face
the wings of an eagle
crystal ball
human eye
a cat's eye
Triangle pointing to earth
a heart
birds flying in the sky, no formation, couldn't tell what kind they were
tall grasses blowing in the wind

I'm still working on what it all means. It was a very moving, peaceful, rejuvenating meditation session. As far as smells or sounds, I didn't recall any when I took notes after my session.

Hopefully, I'll have some time over the next week or so to figure it out.

I'm looking forward to seeing a pic of your rose quartz when you have the time. :)


oh wow. what a nice meditation. and you got a lot from it too. have you tried using a dream dictionary to see what those things would mean in a dream? Generally, this is what I do or I google "birds flying symbolism" to get an idea. Sometimes it helps a great deal and sometimes I see what it symbolizes but I don't feel like it really fits. However, its a good way to attempt getting some meaning out of it.

As for your dog, I think that is so cute! My (now deceased) old granddog, "Cash" was very vocal too. Always talking. He and I were especially close, and all I would have to do would be to ask him to "sing for nana" and he'd tilt his head back and bellow out a few songs. :)

I didn't take the time out today (forgot, honestly) to look for my rose quartz heart. I think I have it here at the farmhouse, but I will have to look for it. I have my crystals throughout the house in various rooms. :laugh: I'll try to find it and do this tomorrow. I also have a beautiful rose quartz bracelet. I usually keep those two items together. I need to wear that more again--so maybe when I find it, its time to do so.


Pretty new crystals Celticnoodle! May they bring great things into your life. :heart: