New LS deck by Lucia Mattioli



Definitely going on the must-have list.


I must say this last year or two I haven't been interested in very many LS deck. Add this one to the list of ones I won't buy.


Some cards I really like, some not much at all. I do love the Secret Forest, so I will have to mull this one over. I wonder what the concept is for reading this deck having to flip them over, or is one the reversal of the other? Hmm... Ric? :D


Looks very pretty...


Mariana said:
I believe the idea is that the image will be folded around the card, forming front and back at the same time??


Doesn't sound very practical (unless you shuffle with your eyes closed). The b+w images on the Secret Forest put me off buying that deck - looks like this weird feature will put me off this one too...


I am a bit of a Tarot Junkie, I admit. But I am completely interested in this deck because of the multiple images. I don't have a single clue on how I will use it or if it will work but I am going to get this deck.

The deck creators blog also has some more images of her art work and they are worth a look as well if you are intersted in this deck.

I do hope that this deck will come with either a Companion book or a decent LWB that will describe the nature of the cards. But I get a sense that meanings would be useless as this is likely to be a very intuitive deck.



I really like the artwork, but I'd have to see how the "Each illustation is to be cut in two, creating two different cards" concept Ric mentioned actually turns out before I could say whether or not I'd buy it.


motsa said:
I really like the artwork, but I'd have to see how the "Each illustation is to be cut in two, creating two different cards" concept Ric mentioned actually turns out before I could say whether or not I'd buy it.

My thoughts exactly. I love the artwork.


If you want to know how it turns out before buying the deck: simply don't buy it. You will not find what you are looking for.

We don't have the faintest idea on the way this deck will turn out to be.
A deck like this is an experiment, an exploration...
One of its "virtues" (IF it is a virtue) is that it could bring you to uncharted territories. But there is no garauntee, and will never be.
Not even a promise.

You should buy the deck if you want to know how it will turn out... if you have a question
And you should not buy the deck if you think you know how that turned out... if you need an answer

You want to read Tarot the way you are used to? Other decks will be much better.
You want to look outside that boundary? Then this deck may be for you (and still other decks may be better)

But a deck like this... not just for the concept, but also for the art, for everything it stands for... it's a leap of faith.
It will be for us (publishers) and it will for everyone that will buy the deck.
No garauntees, no promises, no refunds, no books...


the deck is for 2010


Er - hello !!!! :love:

Is there a 2009 projected list out yet ? I was looking just the other day.....