New Moon readings


Hi lovely people :love:

I'm having a go with a new spread and trying to get a bit more intuitive with my readings so I thought I'd offer readings for a few people in exchange for feedback :)

The spread I'll be using is this New moon spread from so no question needed :love:



Me please


Could I pls sit


Do you have a spot for me?:)



Can i sit too? :D



I would love to sit :)


I would like to sit please :)


Me please
I have three jumpers for you as well as the main spread

The Soul Shrinker rx, Faeries of the Future rx, and A Collective of Pixies

There is some nastiness being said at the moment so it is important to spread around a bit of kindness to balance this out and change it. You are also being asked to consider the direction you are going in, is this really the way you want to go? There is still time to change your mind. There may be some hard work ahead but you won't be alone, together you can get through this joyfully.

Now, onto the spread...

1. Where am I right now in my life? Spirit Dancer - you are currently going through a period of self-expression and creative expression. Spontaneity and self-discipline are valuable right now.

2. What is blocking me from growing? What do I need to leave behind? The Pook - I feel like your mind set at the moment is a bit rigid. By being so rigid you have allowed illusions and delusions to take the place of reality. It is time to shed those ways of thinking so you can see things for they way they are and not the way you think they should be.

3. What intentions should I set in order for me to grow? Luathus the Wild rx - here is another mention of balance. You need to balance your energy so you don't burn yourself out. Slow down if you need to, recharge, and regenerate. There is no need to race at this time.

4. What knowledge do I need to gain to aid in the cultivation of my intentions? He of the Fiery Sword - another mention of decision making here. In this case it is the clear and focused will to carry through on the decisions you make. He will help you to burst the bonds of outgrown ways of being so you can move on to the next level.

5. What positive energy will emerge during this phase? The Lady of the Harvest rx - I don't feel it really matters that she is reversed here. The Lady is saying that through release you will make room for new and exciting things. It may be difficult for you to do but ultimately very worth it.

I hope this resonates for you!

Faery blessings :love:


I'm off to bed for now but will do some more in the morning :love:


Hi FeeLion, I'd like to exchange with you (or sit for feedback if you don't want a return reading!)