Offering Lenormand Readings :)


I Would Love to sit in :)

Will i hear from S soon?


Hi PeopleWillBeYou,

Asked how J feels about you, pulled Lilies + Clover + Mice.

From this Line as a cohesive whole, if you are wishing for J to have deep feelings for you I don't think it's happening this time around. Lilies + Clover show pure and innocent feelings (Lilies) and keeping it light, fun and airy (Clover). However, Clover + Mice make me feel that J feels like that fun of the Clover is dissipating and being eaten away, possibly by stress or nervousness (Mice).

Thanks! And no I don't mind if he has feelings or not. He had told me that he liked me and been liked me for a while. I think the mice makes sense because I kinda been like distant from him and that could be it , that it actually going away


Hi Flames,

Sorry for my late reply. Hope this question still stands at this late date.

Asked what is the energy between you and G at this time, pulled Lilies + Moon + Bear + Clouds + Stars.

Bear as the focus puts the emphasis on care and nurturing, protection and strength. With the Moon next to it I'm feeling it's taking on more of the "care"/"strong" meaning here.

Lilies + Moon show respect, peace, and care toward each other (Lilies = peace, calm, respect; Moon = love, respect, admiration). Clouds + Stars on the other side shows there might be some sort of confusion or uncertainty between you right now (Clouds = confusion and trouble) but the Stars at the end shows there is attempts at clearing it up and bringing clarity.

No worries. Thanks so much for the reading! Yes, the question still stands. ;)

It's just been such a long time since I've seen him. I'm not sure what to make of that but I'm thinking it's probably better this way. My intuition says there's something going on with him but the insecure part says this was his way of exiting the scene, which tells me he's not a stand up guy. And then I look at those cards and the way you describe it and they make sense - or is it that I want to believe there's respect and admiration between us? The truth is, I really did feel that between us at one time. There's definitely confusion and uncertainty right now and I'm hoping the Stars will clear that up. Thank you very much! I will update if anything changes. :)