Old English Tarot

Miss Divine

I had it, but ended up selling it. It never did much for me.
Hopefully you will have better luck with it.



I love it and when I was regularly going to medieval re-creation events I always brought it with me. I find the artwork utterly charming. :heart:


<aside> I keep expecting the friendly, hairy face of an Old English Sheepdog in this deck, and I am perennially disappointed. Koffkoff. No, I didn't hear anything, did you?


<aside> I keep expecting the friendly, hairy face of an Old English Sheepdog in this deck, and I am perennially disappointed. Koffkoff. No, I didn't hear anything, did you?

LOL, that would be AWESOME!!! :heart:


wonderful stylish exquisite artwork, oh and those backs!!! I am aware of some trimmed copies (check the Trimmed Decks thread).

great choice of deck... I wonder if anyone was ever able to actually *read* with it LOL but I just love this deck.


Patrick Booker

Thank you all for helpful comments. I hadn't seen the other threads - I suppose I should have looked.

I read somewhere that Maggie Kneen had to complete two of the suits in about half a day in order to meet a deadline. I think that one of these was Cups.

It would be no harder than reading with a Marseille deck, which I do.




Actually, my husband found it, last night, while we were looking for something else. I hadn't seen it since I bought it, and for the life of me I can't think how it came to be on the top of the highboy in the bedroom because I'm sure I bought it while living in the previous apartment. But I'm not going to argue with success!!!

The lost has been found!! Hallelujah!! :D:D:D

(Is that clattering noise I hear, the Devil's teeth chattering?)