Once only Crystal Reading Exchange:Any interest?


I was thinking that we could try a once only Crystal Reading Exchange if there is enough interest so I opened this thread for discussion about this.

Basically it would work the same way as the Tarot Reading Circles which means at least the following:

1. I start a sign up thread for a given period and I assign partners after sign up is closed.

2. Each pair starts a thread.

3. Partner A asks one question and partner B draws one crystal and answers that question using the qualities of that crystal. And vice versa. This takes place in the thread of each exchange pair.

4. Full feedback is required. (So it´s not enough to say "that was spot on, thanks" ) Discussion about the two crystals (that partners A and B have drawn) and their uses and qualities is very much encouraged between partners in their own thread during the whole exchange period.

The idea of the circle would be to get to know crystals better, to use them more and to learn. We can discuss the metaphysical qualities of the crystals and hopefully discover some new uses for them along the way.
I think a fairly long exchange period (some weeks up to a month?) might be good so that partners get a chance to experiment with the crystal they get from the reading.

* How does this sound?

* How many crystals would one have to own to be able to properly read with them, what do you think?

*Another option: Instead of drawing a crystal (from a pouch at random like in divination) we could also *choose* the crystal we recommend to our partner as an answer to her question. How about this? In this case we would not need actual crystals, only knowledge about them.


this sounds like great good fun! Please sign me up :) I think the random choice could also be made on line - you know, like going to a specified crystal healing site, closing one's eyes, and choosing with the mouse click :) that way, one would have access to as many stones as possible, and the information required to do the reading, without necessarily having the stone or books at home....what say you, Hemera (and others?)


I could participate and would suggest a combination

Use a directory if you must, but a pouch of four to six or just names on cards for random draw.

This works. If people have a birthstone in addition they like, maybe include it in discussiion . For instance, the blue-green or airy or water associated stones work for my balances in summer...that might be a point that I bring up for comparison.



I think this sounds very interesting and a good way to learn more about the different crystals and meanings/uses etc. I'm a little confused on how the crystal would be chosen...by the reader or the querent?? As the "reader" I would prefer to choose for myself what crystal(s) to use and explain to the querent why I felt they were appropriate etc. We have such a small group in the crystal forum I don't think it will matter if we have large or small collections as long as we make an effort to choose wisely based on the question we are asked.


I I'm a little confused on how the crystal would be chosen...by the reader or the querent??
Sorry if I´m not being clear in my post.. The Querent has a question or a problem and the reader finds the crystal for it. A asks B who finds a crystal and vice versa.

@Lotus Padma: Sounds good. I think it doesn´t matter how we choose the crystal really. We are not doing Divination. It´s more about working with the stones, using them, talking about them.

@Cerulean: Yes, incuding a birthstone (or an otherwise meaningful stone) sounds interesting.

I think we need at least 6 people (=3 pairs) who are interested in this. Now we have 4.


haha, where is Downwardspiral? lol! :) and Frac_ture...and mino_taur! halloooo! We need you here to do the reading circle :) it will be fun!


Hahaha! I'm not sure I'm getting this but I think I'm starting to get it. I thought it was a type of divination but now my understanding is say I have a problem/issue/question.... the other person finds the crystal to help with my said problem/issue/question and gives the reasons why this crystal would be good.

Am I getting it? Am I even close?


Hey, thanks for the shout-out, Lotus Padma! Always nice to be remembered! ;)

I have to confess to also maybe not quite getting the thrust here just yet, although I'm intrigued on the whole just by the idea of doing a crystals-based exchange. I guess I just don't grasp the exact scheme being proposed...although if DownwardSpiral nailed it, then cool, I'd be down to do what she outlined. Or if the idea is something else entirely, someone please enlighten me (and I apologize if I'm being dim here...)...


Lol, no problem, Frac_ture! You know of course how welcome you are here in the crystal vault lol!

Hemera, over to you - looks like we have enough people, how would you like to proceed...? :)

Hey, thanks for the shout-out, Lotus Padma! Always nice to be remembered! ;)

I have to confess to also maybe not quite getting the thrust here just yet, although I'm intrigued on the whole just by the idea of doing a crystals-based exchange. I guess I just don't grasp the exact scheme being proposed...although if DownwardSpiral nailed it, then cool, I'd be down to do what she outlined. Or if the idea is something else entirely, someone please enlighten me (and I apologize if I'm being dim here...)...


Hahaha! I'm not sure I'm getting this but I think I'm starting to get it. I thought it was a type of divination but now my understanding is say I have a problem/issue/question.... the other person finds the crystal to help with my said problem/issue/question and gives the reasons why this crystal would be good.

Am I getting it? Am I even close?
You nailed it here :p This is what I had in mind.

The reason it sounds more complicated in my first post is twofold:
1) I´m a non-native English speaker (always a good excuse for a lot of things }) )
and 2) I have been hosting tarot exchanges and I´ve seen pretty much everything that can go wrong. So I tried to list some basic "rules" in my first post in order to avoid that.

I´ll start a sign-up thread.
The exchange period could be August but starting on the 6th (because I will be traveling and offline for a bit before that).