Oracle Decks History?


I've been reading about tarot and the basic few systems. Looking at some of the oracle decks, it seems some are kind of RWS, maybe not. For those of you into oracles and tarot or oracles only, may I ask what attraction they hold for you over tarot or as much as and is it just basically an intuitive tool or have a system similar to the tarot systems? I'm sure this must be somewhere in the forums, but having just started, didn't see, so thought I would just put this thread out there.

Thanks to all for any input.



I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but here goes...
Why I prefer oracles to tarot is because they are all different, where to a certain degree tarot are pretty much the same, for instance if I were reading tarot from any of the 1000's of decks for anyone on here, and I drew the 10 Swords, they'd all know it's bad news, no matter what deck it is, all the meanings are very similar. I'm not saying there aren't any slight differences but not as much as there is in oracles.
How does this help me choose oracles over tarot? Because I want to read in my own way, I have drawn tarot cards for people before and then been critized because I gave them the wrong meanings. From what I understand you can use whatever meanings you want as long as they work, can't you? At least when you read with oracles not as many people have the same deck so there's less chance of being critisized.

Not just that, there's a greater selection of different types of imagery in oracles.


I enjoy using both, but if I had to choose one over the other it would be oracles.
Tarot gives you a box to read within, Oracles ask you to read outside the box.
As a square peg, outside the box works for me :)


greatdane said:
I've been reading about tarot and the basic few systems. Looking at some of the oracle decks, it seems some are kind of RWS, maybe not.

If you mean by this that Waite had the minors of his tarot deck showing the meaning of the cards, then no, oracles beat Waite first on that level. The french sibilla Sybille du salon based on Mlle LeNormand has the pips of the playing cards fully illustrated, the french Petit Lenormand was published around the same time too, which was around 1850.

I love both tarot and oracles and I collect them both.


I like both, but am drawn to the fact that with oracles there is less "right or wrong" set answer for reading a card. I know that with tarot you read it intuitvely as to what you personally see in it and how it relates to the question asked, but it is always at the back of my mind that someone will think/say "that's not what the so and so of so and so normally means".

I know this is partly because I am new to this and still learning, but I feel more confident with my own interpretation of the cards with oracle decks and less like I will be told that's the wrong interpretation.

Also, I like the fact that oracle cards can be more varied in the amount of cards to a deck and what the pictures are of.

That all said, I like tarot too and use both and think they each complement the other.


Spirit, AJ, Wolfy and Caz

Thank you so much for your thoughts.

Beginning with an RWS based deck (Mystic Dreamer) and reading all the thoughts and perspectives re tarot, I thought how can there really be a book or books that can possibly give you any sort of real guide (no offense to the companion book with MD, but I recycled it because it confused me more than helped me)? There are soooo many discussions on what this means or could mean, and in the end, so many readers say it has to be the reader's interpretation and intuition anyway. Looking through some of the oracles, there was something that also resonated there with me as well. My reason for wanting to get into tarot (or oracles) was getting more in touch with me, my intuitive sense, not try to memorize a zillion different possible meanings, etc. when in the end, it seems to come down to what WE make of what we're seeing. I think I will work with both for awhile and can better gauge then. I thought since I WAS just starting, now was the time to at least look at them both, to see if maybe I was drawn to one over the other. I'm sure as I learn more (and feel more) toward tarot and oracles, it will all gel more for me. In the meantime, PLEASE PLEASE feel free to share your thoughts re tarot and oracles with me.



Hi again Greatdane, I agree totally.

I like that there is a framework in tarot and that helps you to remember that cups are to do with emotions, pentacles money/material goods, etc. but I also didn't like the idea of learning meanings by rote. Once I realised you didn't have to and that the books were more guides to help when you have a mental block it made more sense.

Likewise with oracles and I think they compliment each other nicely.

Have fun with your cards ^0^


Thanks, Caz and a SPECIAL THANKS TO AJ!

This is all just so invaluable. I know I will come through my journey my way, but at present, it's hard to know what that is without at least getting an idea of different systems of tarot and how the oracles differ, what are best beginner's books (altho I know what is great for one person, may not be so great or easy for another, my new Tarot Plain and Simple, seems helpful so far, but want to get a few other books too). If anyone could list their FAVORITE TWO or THREE books re oracles that just made it a little easier (altho I know with oracles you fly a little more by the seat of your pants!:) to get some ideas starting, I would be really grateful.

Blessings and Namaste to ALL,



I don't know if there are any books on how to use oracles, other than the ones that come with the oracle itself.
I have a big soft cover by Ray Buckland which lists 100's of types of divination and how they work, and oracle is a umbrella word really, can mean just about anything.

My way was to read every book I could lay my hands on, for others it is read nothing, work with the cards.


Thanks again, AJ!

I think I will just get one or two oracle decks, read any lwb or anything that comes with it! :)