original Xultun re-published


In the original LWB (codex style leaflet) the one word divinatory meaning for the Divided Man is "Release", so there is a connection...


kahurangi press

hi everyone,

my but you are on to it, and in to it.

wanted to say hi and to let you know that your opinions are important to us and that i have found your discussions interesting.

i sincerely hope that the teething problems we (you and i ) have had are out of the way.

i am sorry to hear that the new bookmark insert is still getting damaged. will keep fiddling till i get it right.




As this isn't in adverts I'm assuming I'll hurt no ones feelings if I say the book and deck are readily available on Amazon very reasonably if the shipping cost is a factor to anyone currently considering the deck.

I'm looking forward to my set :) I haven't bought a deck in I don't know how long.


Hi Therese!

Thanks for joining us in the discussions.

And the replacement card arrived over the weekend. My bad for not posting that earlier. Your service has been prompt and excellent in this regard!

I am really really happy to have this deck available and I think you have done a great job in republishing it.

ka xi'ik tech utsil!

(May it go well!)



AJ said:
As this isn't in adverts I'm assuming I'll hurt no ones feelings if I say the book and deck are readily available on Amazon very reasonably if the shipping cost is a factor to anyone currently considering the deck.

I'm looking forward to my set :) I haven't bought a deck in I don't know how long.
I can't see this version there :(


the original, not the reprint, sorry I wasn't clear.


Ach zo. OK fair enough; the original I have.

Thanks for that.


Sumada said:
In the original LWB (codex style leaflet) the one word divinatory meaning for the Divided Man is "Release", so there is a connection...

Sumada you are very right.
And I am a doof.
The retitling of the card was already (partially) present in "Flight of the Feathered Serpent" by Peter Balin published in 1978. It was staring right at me.

On page 114-115, in the Major Arcana section, Trump 16 is named "Released Man". Its sub heading is "Perfection Close"
Its 'Value' is "Grace. Release".
The 'Significance' section is where the card is still referred to as "Divided Man". That is the place where the discussion includes notions of dividing and the brain hemispheres.

These are just a few of the kinds of information in the book for each Major card.
Others are Significance, Inverted, Sexual Expression, Meaning, Color, Tone (musical), Direction, Plants, Metal, Maya Day Name, Day (of week in our calendar), Planet or Sign, Rules or Ruled By, and Flower.

It is a very rich source of correspondences!


As this isn't in adverts I'm assuming I'll hurt no ones feelings if I say the book and deck are readily available on Amazon very reasonably if the shipping cost is a factor to anyone currently considering the deck.

I'm looking forward to my set :) I haven't bought a deck in I don't know how long.


To clarify: As you are perhaps aware from your earlier post re "Is this an authorised version," the deck that you see on Amazon is the second edition by Lotus Press that has been variably available on Amazon over the years. After the initial print run of 500 in 1976 (printed privately by Peter Balin) the publishing was taken over by Wisdom Garden Books who went out of business and in turn were taken over by Lotus Press. They then printed a much larger print run in a smaller size and made significant changes to the colours of the cards. The back of the cards was not designed by Peter Balin. This is the deck that is available on Amazon.

The Kahurangi reproduction of the original deck (large size, original colours, box and back of cards redesigned by Peter) is not available on Amazon but only on the xultun.com website. Due to the technical requirements of the printing and colour matching we had to get it done close at hand in NZ and it is too expensive to ship and sell the cards on Amazon via their various seller programs. The book however is available on Amazon (US and UK, free shipping) as it is printed on demand by Lightningsource who distribute through Amazon. Unfortunately due to cost and various logistics we are unable to offer the book and the cards as a set.



Hi All :)

I was just introduced to this deck by the owner of a local metaphysical shop I visited at lunch time. I love random, delightful discoveries! The shop owner showed me a poster of the Major Arcana layed out together and explained his interpretations of the connections. It was fascinating.

I'm thinking about purchasing this deck but first I am really interested to hear people's experiences of reading with it.

Do you find yourself drawn to read with it often?
Does it lend itself to deeper/spiritual readings only?
Given the style of the art... does it 'speak' to you?

The reason I ask is because while I find it intriguing, the art style feels a little foreign.. maybe I just need to challenge myself/my view....