Ostara to-go Ritual


The altar is covered in a white and green cloth. Upon it are baskets of flowers, and eggs which have been painted by the paticipants. There is a large bowl of soil, an athame, wand, chalice, pentacle, bowl of water, bowl of salt, and on either side of the altar stands a representation of the Goddess and the God. The four candles are red, yellow, blue, and green, each one in is corner (Red in South, Blue in West, Green in North, and Yellow in East.) Burning on the altar is jasmine incense.

*Kiama lights the candles. She then takes up the athame, and puts its tip in the bowl of water.*

Great Ones, bless this creature of Water to your service.
Bless it, drive away all impurities,
That we may use it in our rite!

*Puts tip of athame in salt*

Great ones, bless this creature of Earth to your service,
Bless it, drive away all impurities,
That we may use it in our rite!

*Mixes the water and salt together. She takes the athame, and walks clockwise around the edges of the Circle. She does this thrice, and as she does it, chants*

Thrice around,
The Circle's bound,
Evil sink into the ground!
Nought but love shall enter in,
Nought but love emerge from within.
Charge this by thy Powers, Great Ones!

*Returns athame to altar. Takes up salt-water and walks the boundaries of the Circle, sprinkling the salt-water.*

I bless and seal this Circle, that it be a place of Light, Love, Peace; a haven against all chaos, holding us between the Worlds. We thank thee, Great Ones, for the power you give our rites tonight!

*moves to altar, raises athame*

This is a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place, on a day that is not a day.
We stand at the threshold between the worlds, before the veil of the Mysteries.
May the Ancients help and protect us on our journey!

[calling of the quarters is next. you can start with either north or east]


Holding wand aloft in right hand, arizonagirl states: "Oh Spirit of the North, Elemental Earth, attend this rite and guard this circle. As I have body and strength, we are kith and kin."

(east is next)


[facing east; bowing to acknowledge same. wand is held aloft to trace air-invoking pentagram.

o spirit of the east,
ancient one of air,
we call ye to attend this circle
& bid ye welcome!
charge this by thy powers;
bless our rites
in this time set apart
between now & eternity!

[south is next.]


*Kiama faces South, andeadin reverence. Then she raises head again.*

Oh, Spirit of South,
Element of Fire,
Guardian of the powers of sensation, and power,
We call upon you to attend,
And watch over this Circle,
Lending your Powers to our rite!

[west is next]


With wand raised, ArizonaGirl faces West and states: "O Spirit of the West, Elemental Water, attend this rite and guard this circle. As I feel and have a beating heart, we are kith and kin."


Blessing chant:

"May the power of the Divine Oneness,
Who is known to many,
In many different forms,
Bless this Circle.
May the form of the Goddess protect us and nurture us during our rite,
So that we may grow.
May the form of the God guide us with His light,
Laugh with us, lead us in the dance,
So that we may live.
May the powers of the elements bless us,
And protect our Circle this night!"

[invocation of the goddess is next]


[standing with feet apart & arms upraised, wand held aloft in right hand]

O Great Goddess,
Lady of the Moon,
Earth Mother to us all:
We thy children
Call upon Thee
This Vernal Equinox!
Grace us with Thy presence;
Gift us with Thy fertility & joy,
Grant us Thy perfect love & harmony!
We seek to honor thee.
Heed our call & come to us.
Hail, Mother Goddess!
All hail to Thee!

[invocation of the god is next.]


(Standing feet together, arms crossed over chest, holding athame in right hand)

Oh Lord of sun and mountain steep,
Lord of desert and valley deep,
Lord of laughter, Lord of beasts
Lord of passion, Lord of feasts,
Bless this circle with your presence.


[statement of purpose]

Today, we celebrate the balance of light and dark,
Male and female,
Yin and Yang.
The Vernal Equinox is one of only two times in the year when the days are as long as the nights. After today, the nights begin to shorten, and we welcome the growth of the Sun.
At this hour, the Goddess eagerly awaits the return of her lover, the God, who is about to emerge from the Underworld, renewed, refreshed, and ready to begin anew.
With His emergence, He brings the first flowers of Spring, and the refreshng rains. Now is the time to plant the seeds of the future: To sow our dreams in fertile soil, and care for them so that they may grow, bloom, and ripen...
As the Goddess and God grow, so will the Earth and our dreams.

[workings are next, including any individual prayers or spells. all participants should have their 'seeds' (pieces of paper with dream written on them) ready to plant in the soil.]


*Malachite steps up to the altar, places Egg painted in swirling patterns of green and gold in the bowl.*

Wild is the wind, but still thy name is spoken;
Rough is the sea: it sweeps not over thy face.
Still runs my love for shelter to its dwelling,
Hither, O heart, to thine abiding place.

What is begun, shall be finished,
What loves shall be loved
What is no more shall be left in peace
What is not yet, be concieved.

Peace be on the world, and all who are in it. Spring and the Summer that grows thereof are begun, and the seeds that shall be harvested are sown. Wind may blow, and rain may fall, but fertility has again returned to the world.

*wraps paper around acorn, and pushed gently into the soil*
