out of body experiences??


Hey guys/gals

I'm going to ask this..and if you totally think it's full of crap tell me!

Last year during a sit down with a psychic I was told that I had strong psychic abilities but they were untapped. Like I had the ability, but they arre just hidden away. (I thought everyone was like that). But according to her I had a gift. (I promise I'm getting to the point soon). Then she told me that I had out of body experiences all the time in my sleep. That I walk around and help people...visit them or something..I kind of thought this was weird because I figured I would be able to remember it if it happened. Well the past few days, it has taken me about 7 to ten minutes to wake up from my alarm clock when usually I wake up instantly. When I am waking up...I get this pulling sensation in my body. And my heart isn't beating fast, but it is beating so hard like I feel it's going to come out of my chest. So, my question is: Am I just coming out of a deep sleep or do you think this might be an outerbody experience? I've had several of these before, it's just it hasn't clicked with me until now that this is what it could be


really? same here.... That happens to me alot. lately, I find it hard to wake up as early as I use to. and sometimes, I remember what I did in my sleep. from what i've learned, if you really had a out of body experience, you should be able to remember it. I mean, this dude told me that the trick is to let your body fall asleep while keeping your mind awake. I guess it could happen in your dreams too. I dont know. i think its like, you have to get into a trance or something, and then you feel like your falling, and then after you can't feel any part of your body, you just get up and walk out of your body. if you do it that way, your sure to remember it when you wake up. I think.. am not that sure though.....