Do we have a double personality???


OK...I swear this is the last post for

Well, I guess you all have already noticed that I?m kinda ambiguous, right?...

Sometimes you see me saying that life has no meaning, and other times you see me saying that we gotta search for our spirituality, for our inner truth...

OK...either I?m nuts or we, human beings, are really dual...

Do we have a double personality?...Or a triple?...Or a multiple personality???
I see so many people believing in something, so fiercely, and then changing their minds as the wind changes direction...
I?m not talking about simply changing our minds, as when we notice we were doing, or thinking, something wrong....
I?m talking of when people simply change their minds, for no apparent reason...maybe, deep inside, there?s a reason for the change...

Hummm...Do you think our attitudes and beliefs depend on our mood???...Are we, simply, "mood beings" ???
Yeah...I know...The human being is really complicated...Isn?t it true?....Or is it just me???


I have more personalities than I can count, theres online me, mother me, wife me, real me, roleplaying me, etc. And these can change atany moment, except perhaps the online me which has been the same forever :) Sometimes Im the loving wife me, sometimes the shut up wife me, sometimes the i really dont care at the moment wife me, or any me can have those traits or others on any whim (shut up usually means Im trying to type something lol) Humans are mostly water, and we sure resemble it :)


i believe that we have one self that comes from our soul.
the others are different parts of our personality or ego. i try to listen to all the parts of myself, then choose to live the parts that are speaking the same language as my soul. :)


i believe that we have an outward and inner self. all of the follwing have shadow aspects. we show the world who we are while in public but in private we are different in our more intimate relationships. then there is the side of our personality that we keep private from others. invaribly, everyone you know publically will have aspects of his/her personality that you like or dislike. in your family relationships, they see a side of you the public doesn't see. bill clinton is a great example. the public seemed to love him. he has great charisma. yet i believe in his personal relationships he showed a darker side. he didn't mind doing or saying whatever he had to to keep his public image and he had the charisma to do it. what forces motivated him on the inside, he only knows. we all have private motivations that even family don't know about. you may think you know a family member then s/he does something totally shocking that you thought would never happen. no matter how well we think we know someone, do we really know them? the mass murderer ted bundy's relationship to the crime novelist (can't remember her name--anne?). they were friends for a year and worked at a crisis center. she really liked him then she slowly had to accept the fact he had to be the murderer. just imagine how shocking that would be. i had something like that happen to me. i knew a guy that murdered this old man for his money. i absolutely couldn't believe it. this guy seemed like one of the most likeable ppl in the world. i was in total shock. even when i saw him at the trial i couldn't believe it. my mind just couldn't grasp the depth of his evil that i never saw or guessed. evidently, his friend he murdered didn't either. anyone remember the old show "the shadow"? "who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? the shadow knows!!" you know i hadn't really thought about how archetypal that sentence is. i wonder if the creators of the show/comic strip were familiar w/ archetypal psychology b/c only our shadows do know what lurks w/in our hearts.


Yes! I do think most of us are multi-faceted beings! This kinda goes back to your other post about what motivates people to be bad, doesn't it?

I am not the same person I was when I was in high-school, or even in my 20's. I like to think that I have grown and matured, not only spiritually, but emotionally, too. Even how I react to situations I am faced with now is different from how I would have reacted to them just 4 years ago.

I see this as part of my evolutionary develoment - not a shifting change dictated by the wind or my mood of the day.

Although, I will admit to being accused of being "moody" :)

Glad to see you back Ramses! I'd send you Kiama kisses, but I don;t know how...and besides, there is a reason they are called "Kiama kisses"!!!!! So "Amyel winks" will have to do....;) ;D


i think that generally i'm the same all the time. the spiritual part of me is always here, in whatever i do.

so although i can be mom at times, or friend at other times.......the core of who i am, doesn't change.

in light,


Quote:Originally posted by amyel
I'd send you Kiama kisses, but I don;t know how...and besides, there is a reason they are called "Kiama kisses"!!!!! So "Amyel winks" will have to do....;) ;D

Ah, they're for everyone to use!

Kiama :* :* :*


Ok, I know for sure that there are at least 2 personalities walking around in my body.

One is the secretary which walks around from 8 am to 5 pm and the other is the tarot reader and Wicca who exists during the rest of the day.


LOL we are a world of multi personalities.
Study your astrological charts, a lot of insight into the different ways you are can be found there.

For instance my Leo Ascendant wants to go out and have fun, My Cancer Sun says "no" I am too shy, My Saturn that conjuncts my ascendant squashes Leo's funtime, and the Libra Moon then can't decide what to do about all this and since it conjuncts Neptune, it lets itself be lost in daydreams.

Well Ramses, what are you going to come up with next??
Thanks for stirring up our thoughts today.



Alright I dont know if this was talked about, but the cool person I am, is in psychology class (high school level) and we have talked about it. So I figured that maybe you all would atleast like the small point of view from psych class that I can remember. According to what we learned, we act differently depending on who we are around. Our behaviors, attitudes and all that fun stuff changes. It may not change a lot, but think about how you may act around your parents to your close friends. So maybe we have multiple personalities floating around inside us, or maybe we have trained ourselves to not truely be us. I guess we have to decide that part on our own.