Page of Swords - Taking a fresh look


I'm going to say thanks here to buttercup42 :)
even though I think the post was for another
thread... but while I'm here I can share a poem
I wrote about The Page of Swords, a haiku...

Sunrise, birds in flight
~ a journey.


taking the plunge

Hi I'm Horace and I'm new.
I see this Page as learning to cut away the emotions from his thinking. To be more logical. After all the drama of the nine and ten, 'the woe is me' attitude, this Page is ready for a new way of thinking. He's learning to make better mental choices and be responsible for the results. He's using logic to bring his ideas into being.
But his mental agility can be a two-edged sword. indicating he can be manipulative as well. He can be the teen who plays one parent against the other. Hh


I always take the Page of Swords as bad news coming in a letter or phone call(I don't know know any young men as I am so old.....!), so for me it always heralds bad news, also he looks a bit of spy as well - doesn't he? I also attribute all the Court Cards as people lacking in emotion, so they are all quite cold and controlling. So when reading for others I bring this into play a calculating youth etc. etc.

Yes, definately don't trust him, he's too devious by far. The only upside about him is that he is watchfull, so that can be a postive thing, guard yourself against attack etc. but on the whole, a bad apple!



In Chivalry a page is a boy in training for knighthood. I see this tall lad practising in a fanciful stance with the sword of his master, the Knight. He always followed on foot- might not have a chance to ride, but can practise with the sword at least. I think he is looking at his boss and saying "I am getting the hang of this- watch out on the ladder I am right behind you!" I can see changes up ahead with an attitude like that on the move, even if it is on foot! ~Rosanne


Page Of Swords

Hi...just jumping in on this, though the thread has been up for a while.

I recently noticed this particular Page's hair/head has a very similar shape to the formation of the birds up in the sky above him. I SORTA see a "fish" like formation, but I'm not sure. Fish=ideas (so say some symbols-dictionaries).

He doesn't seem all that defensive, nor does he seem offensive. He almost looks like he's performing ballet. The wind is blowing to the left, against his face, as he looks INTO the wind. Of course, this is a sword card...swords=air/wind, etc.. Compare his arm posture, where he's looking, with the 9 Of Wands. It's very similar and there is focus on the head, I think.

I've read that a sword pointed to the left in a card means more "thought" rather than "action" (thus, swords pointed to the right=action). So...I'm thinking this Page is leaning on his left leg, sword pointing to the left (wind blowing to the left; left hand on top of hilt)....he's considering something, weighing pros & cons maybe....but he's not about ready to act on it. He's processing information only...and on the lookout for information; he's an a military scout or reconnaissance person. Rachel Pollack considers him, "detached."

When I see this card, it appears as if this Page is on his way somewhere and maybe hears a rustling in the woods behind him, so...he quickly (for a brief moment) turns his head (RWS deck: notice most of his body is still facing left; appears to be leaning/moving left) to see what it is, yet...he's not ready to confront 'it'/act on what he sees so, his plan is to continue on his way. IOW, he'll find out what it is that may be behind him, but...he's not ready to take it on, yet, in an active way.

Just my thoughts.
