Penny Dreadful Tarot


The link you provided shows it won't be released until 17 April, and there's a link I have book marked that states it will due into their warehouse on March 17th, so I don't think it's available to the masses just yet :D

It looks quite interesting though, the cards have quite a minimalist look about them. I've never seen the show though.


It was discussed here a while ago - I gathered that the cards were on the shoddy side, with perforations showing, and the minors deeply disappointing.

Some like it:

chara said:
The cardstock is surprisingly decent -- I wasn't expecting much, but there's a nice bounce in the bend. The cards are a dark purple though, and with the minimalist style, that does mean there's not much on the card to hide the fingerprints and smudges.

It comes with an "Instruction" card that functions as the deck's LWB. I've already lost it it, but the keywords managed to both fit with more standardized meanings for tarot while still matching the interesting and spooky choices that went into the deck's imagery.

It's reading very coherently for me as well. It may be from a tv show, but it reads like any other deck in my collection. It doesn't "feel" promotional. And while I wasn't expecting it to be a deck that sugar coats things, given the nature of the show, I was prepared for something that might be a bit cryptic. But the readings have been straight forward and to the point -- sometimes painfully so, but always accurately.
- and some don't:

metafizzypop said:
The cards are just so-so. They look like something designed for a TV show. Since you don't get a good look at them on the program, they don't have to be anything spectacular. And they aren't.

It seems to be out of stock at the moment, though.

@Eyebright - it was available for a long while - they ran out. Many here own it - see the linked thread !


Thanks, Gregory. Looking at the reviews on the Showtime website, it looks like the biggest complaints are the perforations and the lack of variation in the imagery of the Minors. Ah, well. I suppose I won't be adding it to my wishlist.


Ahhh, thanks Gregory, that one passed me by the first time around!


I have this deck and TBH the minors are lazily designed (it's just the same image with a different number of suit symbols) and the companion book is laughably bad (on the other hand it reminds me of an old fortunetelling book I have with interpretations that are "you will meet a dark man" kind of interpretations).

However this deck helped me find a game that I lost so that makes it a good deck in my book, but it seems like something I'd break out at parties for a laugh.


It looks quite interesting though, the cards have quite a minimalist look about them. I've never seen the show though.

The show is fantastic! I can't wait to see season 2.


Urk. I just got a notification that the deck is back in stock. BUT - postage to the UK is 50% more than the cost of the deck. WHY can't they use international first class (yes I have asked them. We shall see.)