Planet Series: Neptune . . . how do we express it in our charts.


For Madwenaya and others.

When we have a number of interrelated aspect patterns, it is likely that this complexity will be expressed in bits and pieces. Symbols try to express themselves in as many ways as possible -- its as if these symbols were living, growing forces of expression.

Now, whenever we have a transit to one planet in a pattern we expect to see the whole pattern ring like a bell. That sometimes happens, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way as Madwenaya noted. One part happens now, another part happens later.

Sometimes the nature of our circumstances supports one planet in the pattern for expressive outlet but doesn't make room for another to do so.

Sometimes we have learned how to control or modify our reactions, and choose to use Venus (for example) instead of Mars. Just some thoughts. Dave


For mollymawk

I think you are a great example of "living out your chart." If any of the list's participants have a copy of Ebertin's CSI they can go to the page for Jupiter and Neptune and read it and compare it to your post. Then go to the opposite page of midpoints and just glance down thru the Node, Sun, Mercury phrases. It makes a nice outline for starting to understand these planetary complexes you noted.

Then, being able to have a well-defined personal statement of how those energies play out makes for a text book that is invaluable for learning. Thank you for being so detailed and for sharing. I'm going to carefully review this myself -- we are always learning, aren't we? I'm sure that the passing of time is likely to see you refining and adapting these patterns to minimize their being examples of exploitation and mis-use by others. There is so much self-power to be creative and accomplish meaningful things in this pattern. Good luck. Dave.


I have Neptune in the 4th house opposite Sun, Moon, Mercury, trine Jupiter(12th).
With the aspects that I have going on, you have told me Dave that it isn't all that clean cut, so, I'm probably wrong, but, since Neptune is in my 4th house...
I always attributed chaos, and messiness with my Neptune, because that's what my early home life was like, very much a mess, I was a genuine Oscar Madision.
The older I get, I'm now leaning more toward Felix Unger, lol.
In regards to spirituality, I find that meditation and yoga help me a great deal to get focused, centered. It helps me to organize my thoughts, and space. My intuition is getting better and better with age, and I think my Neptune may also have something to do with it as well.


I have Neptune in the 7th house in Capricorn, conjunct Saturn in the seventh house (1 degree orb), opposition Jupiter in Cancer, sextile the Sun, Mercury (exact) and Pluto in Scorpio.

The first level of expression I can think of for this is the vast amounts of time I spend reading about, researching, and analyzing (mercury in scorpio) concrete, systematized (saturn) metaphysical (neptune) systems such as the Tarot, Numerology, Astrology, and some branches of Psychology. I also am interested in mythology (A definite neptune/saturn discipline) and the different belief systems of the world, even though I'm Catholic. (I have aquarius on the ninth house cusp)

Neptune is also expressed through my strong love of drama and the arts, I'm an active actor, although I'm not quite old enough to go professional, as you might have guessed by my having neptune and saturn conjunct in capricorn.

On the negative side, I have a strong tendency towards procrastination (Neptune/Saturn opposition Jupiter) and overemphasizing other people's positive traits (Saturn/Neptune in the seventh house).
I have had mildly prophetic dreams, in which I dream of very brief snippets of the future, which could be an expression of this.

Neptune conjunct Saturn opposition Jupiter has also produced a tendency towards brief spells of incredible doubt of self-worth. The interplay here is fairly obvious, with Neptune causing me to lose perspective and drown in Saturn's testing, constricting, and cutting away of Jupiter in the first house's beliefs, hopes, and dreams for myself.


For CosmoKid

I think you have done a great job in describing all of the many expressions of Neptune and its aspecting companions. It is always surprising to find this supposedly nebulous-aligned planet being so strongly felt and seen in charts. Your description of Saturn and Neptune conjunct is a textbook example. Thanks for sharing. Dave.