Planets & Cards; astro-tarot reading experiment


Planets & Cards; astro-tarot reading OPEN NOW TO ALL

As of Sunday, Dec. 31st, this thread is open to everyone as we have given those who listed their data enough time to exercise their priority. Dave.

Announcing an exploration of how astrology and tarot can work together.

This will be a tightly focused experiment to determine how astrology and tarot, each in its own way, can contribute to describing or answering a question. The following guidelines must be followed by each list member wishing to participate. The experiment will start with those members who have entered their names in the astrological data thread. Later, others may ask for an astro-tarot reading.

1) Provide your SUN's sign, degree and house location.
2) Provide your Moon's sign, degree and house location.
3) Ask a tarot question that can be addressed by a three card spread.

What I will do:
4) Comment on your Sun's meaning, Moon's meaning and the Sun-Moon relationship.
5) Look at any major transits to your Sun and/or Moon and comment on them.
6) Summarize the astro-portion of the reading.
7) Cast a 3-card spread and offer comments relative to your question.
8) Summarize how this mini astro-tarot reading worked together.

What you may choose to do:
** If you provided the data and asked the question, please provide feedback in the thread that addressed your reading.
** If you are following this exploration, offer any comments, offer your own reading for either or both the astro-portion and/or the tarot-portion., or ask any questions. THIS IS A PARTICIPATORY EXERCISE.

I will probably address one reading a day in the order that they are received.
Only those who have already posted data in the astrological data listing can participate in this first section. After a period of time, perhaps the end of January or sooner, we will review what we have found to see if this limited trial is worth pursuing. I have had fun on another Internet list with this and it seemed to work well there. Dave


This is a sample Astro-Tarot Reading using myself as the querent which I had used a month ago on another thread . My question was, "How am I going to deal with the next three weeks of medical-related events." Those events are now behind me and all is well. But this recent reading is typical of the many readings I gave there. I thought I would post it here so that list members can feel comfortable about what they will be participating in.

My Sun is at 21 Virgo, 4th house.
My Moon is at 3 Virgo, within 2 degrees of the IC, a 3rd/4th house

Both the Sun and Moon in the same sign bring an evenness to expression
and emotions, in this case an involvement with details, curiosity,
practicality. The Sun focuses expression on basic meanings and
understanding, family, an ability to deal with new situations. The
Moon symbolizes a shift from 3rd house curiosity and communication
toward establishing solutions and building structures -- both physical
and conceptual. The Sun-Moon phase relationship is of the "Prophet"
type suggesting a person who is aware of a need to change or to be
prepared to change, one who senses the future and recognizes that
attaining something "new" requires letting go of something "old."

Current transits include:
** Jupiter approaching an opening square to natal Moon: Optimism and
socialness will be challenged by one's current feelings and emotions.
Expect a cycling of ups and downs, feeling wise, perhaps more intense
than is normal for you.
** Uranus is moving from a stationary position at the mid-point of Sun
and Moon and will be there for a few weeks: This streak of
independance may make you a poor and inconsistent patient as you
undergo medical procedures. At least recovery will be quick.

** Left Card, what has been learned in recent weeks that can help
** Center Card, what is needed now to better manage all aspects of
life?; SUN:
** Right Card, what resources and attitude can help in moving forward
from/after these medical situations?: LOVERS.

Three major arcana cards dealt from a thoroughly mixed deck suggest
that this is an important phase of life. The HP card points to a lot
of knowledge and research that has been expended recently. This has
occupied the mind, not the emotions, not the upcoming medical
experiences. The SUN card points toward letting the self focus and
ongoing purposes carry thru as the life-focus. This places the
medical situation into secondary levels of concern and awareness. The
LOVERS card points to making choices from among the things that are
cared about.

The question's focus on medical situations seems not to be of real
concern. Both procedures are typical of minor problems that older
adults can experience and do not involve any chronic conditions or
illnesses. All in all, four procedures from August to December are
viewed as a maintenance situation. The real focus in life seems to be
non-medical, it points to study, knowledge and research being pursued
with vigor and vision. Following thru on this effort/project will
require careful choices and use of time and resources. (I am working
on a book).

The comment on the natal Moon and transiting Jupiter square relates to
the emotional ups and downs in dealing with family life, medical
procedures in terms of interupting creative efforts, and the highs and
lows associated with creative projects that challenge and thrill one
as they move from concept to roughing to completing a project, and
then waiting for the recognition of what has been offered. The Uranus
station-to-direct transit of the Moon-Sun mid-point points to the
intellectual stimulation and highs-lows of the process and of my life
which involves my hobbies, interests, raising the grand-children, the
holidays, my school-related coaching of robotics and chess -- this
whole busy life that I choose to have.

Both the Astro reading and the Tarot reading offered information and
insights that were complimentary in their nature. This is what we are
looking for; to see how both methods can help, each in their own way,
but each supporting the querents question and situation.

This is the nature of the Astro-Tarot Reading. Because this reading
deals with myself and is used as an example, some of the comments made
would be part of what would follow the posting of the Astro-Tarot
Reading. After a question is asked and the SUN-MOON data provided, I
will do a reading similar in structure and coverage/scope to this
reading. Following the reading, the querent will be expected to
provide feedback. Others on the list can chime in with readings or
with their interpretation, or with comments. Whatever.

What we have seen in this small exercise is the helpful information
that can be gained from just the Sun and Moon positions in a chart and
the major transits relating to them. This is the beauty of astrology,
when done simply and well it can provide a great deal of important
information. We have also seen the way that the Tarot works in terms
of specific re-direction of primary issues and actions to take
regardless of the question -- or maybe in response to it. Both
methods do what they can do, both are accurate and dependable, they
are just different from each other. This reading, if it proves to be
the rule of the other readings that I hope will follow, will help us
gain an appreciation of each methods strengths and when one may be
better in helping us help those we read for. Please consider
participating. Dave


Hello Dave

First, thank you for offering this oportunity.

I want to ask if there will be some drastic changes in my life soon... I've been feeling some kind of end aproaching.

Sun Virgo 13°38'46 in 6th (placidus) changes to 5th in Koch - i don't know why.
Moon Pisces 19°17'34 in 12th


what a great idea!

Dave - you are a star :) (no pun intended ;))

My Sun is in Pisces 12° 6' 26", in the 11th House
My Moon is in Sagittarius 12° 14' 6" in the 7th House (within 9 degrees of the DC if that's relevant).

And my question: how can I best manage my new departure in Cape Town in mid-January, from an emotional as well as practical perspective?


For Helvetica

I'm working on your reading but have come to a block point as I try to look at the tie-ins between Geneva-California-CapeTown and the house changes. Still working out the card arrangement to answer the question. Will sleep on it. Dave


dadsnook2000 said:
I'm working on your reading but have come to a block point as I try to look at the tie-ins between Geneva-California-CapeTown and the house changes. Still working out the card arrangement to answer the question. Will sleep on it. Dave
Oh dear! Sorry about my travels ;). But you needn't worry about California - I'm not going anywhere near there in the foreseeable future (sadly). I shall be returning to Congo for a spell however ;). Apart from that escapade, my plan is to spend 6 months in Cape Town, though I might also take up a friend's offer of his appartment on the Indian Ocean coast near Mozambique when the weather gets cold in Cape Town :) (around about June).


Hi Dave,

You've been too good to me for me to say no : ) I'll help you out any way I can...besides, what an awesome little gift...all we have to give you is our sun, moon an answerable question and feedback and you give us both insights into ourselves and really great insight on a new technique! I just have to think up a question : )

First though, is it true what they say about the recuperative power of Virgos (esp. double Virgos?) I sure hope so. That many trips to the hospital in so few months? They should know you by name and have a complimentary casino-like beverage ready for you when you come in : ) One way or the other, Dave, I hope you're both on the mend and not continuing to fall apart--lol.

btw...Is there any chance you'll link here to your Yahoo group?


For seaweed

Thanks for your best wishes. I look at these several small procedures as being a 70th year tune up, much like automobile maintenance. Nothing of an illness, nothing of a chronic nature. Once I'm past my stitches healing I'll be back to my active and busy lifestyle. I'm active in the Boy Scouts with our adopted grandkids, I teach robotics and chess at the local schools, I'm planning on remodeling the house interior again, I have some garden walls to build this spring and a garage to finish wall-boarding and plastering. Plus I have seven carousel horses to finish carving for use in lamps which we will give as Christmas presents next year. I'm also in the refining and editing phase of a book on Solar Returns. And, I suppose, the wife would like some of my time and attention. So, its a busy year coming up.

As for my other site, that has become a sore issue. The moderator and list-owner had been ill for the past couple of years so I was covering both the astrology side and the tarot side, keeping the list going for her. Upon her recovery and return to active posting, she teamed up with an old friend and (without notice or a thank you) moved me back to a list member status and placed her friend as tarot-moderator. I was a bit irked at that. You can join the Yahoo Group and the Tarot Transit list, although I have not participated in the list since then. Dave.


Planets & Cards readings now open to everyone

Those who listed on the Astro Data listing have had their chance to be first in line. Now, everyone should feel free to request a reading as part of this experiment to combine Astrology and Tarot. Several of you have PM'd me to see if you can jump in early. So, lets go for it. Dave


I'll try- Dave. How are you? I have my info listed in the astrology section.