Platonic Solids and the Tree of Life


As discussion of both the Platonic Solids and various renditions of the Tree of Life have been made, I thought I'd add this rather personal exploration (I have a two-metre 'restoration' version I constructed out of a wooden frame I made several years ago, hanging on a wall).

Firstly, the 'pre-fall' version (which is attached).

It one considers the three platonic solids which have triangular faces, they give a total of 12+6+4=22 vertices (the icosahedron has 12, the octahedron 6, and the tetrahedron 4).

In placing these in a connected way one above the other, the visual depiction they give, of their top layer only, is as attached, also with, incredibly, 22 visible edges ('paths').

Note that this version I call the pre-Fall version: the Tree of Knowledge has not as yet been consumed, and thus remains. In fact, the whole Tree has, though connected, three clearly distinct parts, corresponding to the Spirit, Soul and Body, the body sustained by other Spiritual beings at work deep at its core.

Following the fall, the Tree has a different structure, which I'll draw and post later, if anyone is interested.

Here, however, is an original 3-dimensional version of the Tree, consistent with traditional Kabalistic considerations:


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JMD Wrote: "...if anybody is interested..."

And I raise my hand and say, YES, definitely!


Hello JMD,

I think your tree before the fall is a fascinating structure. It seems almost like a temple viewed from directly above.

In 3 dimensions it hides 24 edges, which would only come into view if the vantage spot were moved. I would very much like to see the model for after the fall.

In 3 dimensions, I have always had affection for the tetrahedron. One of the main things I find qabalistically pleasing is that a tetrahedron can be folded out of an equilateral triangle.

Seeing kether as point, [c]hockmah as line, and binah as plane, the resulting 3 pointed triangle can be folded into a solid, with for faces [all faces still equilateral].

5 connected tetrahedrons, would also make the same bird eye view as the icosahedron does, in you’re before the fall tree. [Still 22 visible edges, leaving 9 hidden in total, the structure would however have 13 vertices] (13 vetices in total with two of them hidden, makes me think about an old lingering wonder of mine about two hidden sephiroth)

I think 20 tetrahedrons makes an icosahedron.


Finally found an HTML version of the "Anatomy of the body of God" by Frater Achad. Chapter 7 may interest people who like 3D structures and projections :)

There are other versions of the whole book in PDF around too...

Best, Mac


Thanks for the comments and the link.

I must admit that I have never studied Fr Achad's work, though I do know some who have, and find it quite severe (in the best of ways). I look forward to the opportunity of at least perusing it.

AmounrA, though five connected (non-see-through) tetrahedra would give a similar bird's eye appearance to the top section of an icosahedron, the connection of twenty tetrahedra to give a visual similarity to an icosahedron would just be that: a similar appearance. For that matter, one can always substitute any triangular face for a tetrahedron whose fourth vertex is hidden behind - I wonder, however, what this yields in meditation (I obviously haven't done this, and I probably prefer the 'purity' of the full platonic solids - though I will consider such wonderful considerations).

The Tree which follows is a quick rendition of one amongst other possible results. Here, the top section also forms a crucifix through which Gnosis becomes transformed and permits restoration, at a higher level, to occur.


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With the restoration, the top section becomes truly a representation of spiritually conscious humanity, holding its own Da'at within itself.

Maybe further discussions may require of me clearer expressions of thoughts...

In the meantime, here is my restored Tree:


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AmounrA has produced two wonderful 3-d renditions of my version of the Tree before the Fall. Here is its 'solid' rendition:


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... and, in terms of my previously drawn version, more significantly this rendition:


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The tree before the fall is a very interesting structure. The Icosahedron relates to spirit, the Octahedron to the soul and the tetrahedron to body. I imagine that when we die, the tetrahedron falls away into dust; do you think we are the Octahedron? which I would image relates to the sub-conscious, and collective unconscious ‘levels’.

Another little thought is, what is the space these solids are in? I imagine them floating in darkness, almost tempted to use the word abyss. If these 3 shapes lined up as shown, but did not actually connect, with the Octahedron getting Hod, netzach, tiphareth, geburah & chessed, could these gaps be viewed as ‘ the abyss’?

Its just a thought, The tetrahedron would get malkuth and tiphareth & the Icosahedron would get [daath?] binah, [c]hockmah and Kether. The constitution of man.

The structure for after the fall opens up the middle path route to/from kether, the system connects? Can I ask for more information about what shape, or what kind of morphic movement has taken place with the Icosahedron?

With the restoration, it looks like the Icosahedron has ‘flowered’. It looks like the five sephiroth encasing Daath are shining ‘light’ onto it, the edges of the rays making the pentagram. [Perhaps revealing the hidden star].

Please, JMD tell more about these truly beautiful model! :)


I'm glad it has caught your imagination too, AmounrA.

Here is a somewhat brief description of some of my work:

Prior to incarnation, the Tree is folded upon itself, but in the following manner: the Tetrahedron (which I consider of pure Spirit) contains the octahedron and icosahedron (in the manner described in another thread: the mid-points of the edges of the tetraheron coinciding witht the vertices of the octahedron, and the golden mean of the edges of the octahedron coinciding with the vertices of the icosahedron - an image of the latter is attached). With incarnation, an inversion occurs: the Tetrahedron is given over to higher spiritual beings for them to form the body (with Malkut & Yesod - which I presumed you meant, by the way, rather than Tifaret - also with aspects of Hod and Netzah). The Octahedron allows for the development of various Soul forces, and the Icosahedron remains very much our own higher being.

At death, a re-foldment occurs, whereby, firstly, the physical framework operating through the Tetrahedron is removed (thus permitting the body the decompose) - here the tetrahedron literally folds within the inner parts of the octahedron. This latter itself folds within the inner parts of the icosahedron, enabling memories, feelings and the like to dissipate.

As you have mentioned, the three solids can also be viewed somewhat separately, thus giving imaginative access to both the veil (Paroket) and the abyss.


Following the Fall, what I see as occuring is the 'destruction' of Da'at: its supports have allowed the sphere to fall within the icosahedron. The redemptive act is representated by especially the mystery of Golgatha, leading to the formation of the Rose and its sacred Gnosis (the pentagramme of the 'restored' phase).

In the 'After the Fall' depiction, I see the 'edge' which once connected Keter to Da'at extending towards a sure foundation (Yesod), whilst the edges from Hockmah and Binah connecting. Those from Hesed and Geburah also extending and, respectively, connecting to Binah and Hockmah.

The 'restoration' occurs when the swirlings of the effects of the sacred sacrifice upon the cross begins to emerge into a self-sustaining new Rose-Da'at, acting upon the projection from Keter and 'splitting' the beam into two, thus linking Keter to both Hesed and Geburah. Da'at really being, in this final case, and as you have expressed it, a 'flowering'.


I hope this has been reasonably clearly expressed...

The images of the Tree, however, like the Tarot, will reveal other hidden mysteries I am too only in the process of being made aware.


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