please join us in the new deck "Tarot of Innocence"

flying black kat

Dear Davina & Ravenswing:

I have watched and looked at your cards, and all the comments made about them since you all started this thread. When I read Jewels comments and questions, I re-look at the cards and I can see things in a slightly different light. I generally have nothing I can add that hasn't already been mentioned. I know that this deck has, without even being published, given me new insights into several cards. I like what you both have done so far. I look at each new card to see how the tarot is progressing and think about this new card now as if it was in a spread.

"the diary of a broken soul" by sacredashes, and the "transparent orcale" by Sidhe-Ra are also decks in creation that have broaden my knowledge and appreciation of Tarot Cards by watching, reading and thinking about them in actual spreads.

I thank you all.

Be at Peace.




hi guys--

Well, it's Friday and I've have a real good week. Yesterday I had an interview for my ideal job--working activities in a nursing home/rehab. And I'm sure I've got it; the Director said as far as he was concerned I was in. All I have left is a second interview with administration--I have to show her that I'm a good value for her money. That's an easy one. So, hopefully....

And yesterday I finished the 46th layout. Only 32 to go!! So I wrap them up on the 27th of April. Then comes the color. Lots and lots of color...

Anyhow, Davina wants me to present 3 of the swords. In brief, the swords tell the tale of the spiritual development of a pixie. And, true to swords, it ain't no easy deal. And it was a difficult decision which cards to pick...

First, the 4. Here are pixie is contemplating about a recent traumatic event (the 3 of Swords. Naturally) He's at an emotional crossroad--unsure of where he is headed.

Next, the 6. You know, that journey on the waters. But this one ain't no joyride...

It was a hard decision whether to put up the 8 or the 10. So I flipped a coin... The 10 of swords won. Once again, a bit of a different picture. It's hard for me to see a picture of someone lying prone with 10 swords sticking out of his back as a positive thing...

The gentleman in the background is the Hierophant. It's said that only when the student is ready, will the teacher appear. They never see it that only when the teacher is prepared, the student shows up. Good relationships work both ways.

Oh yeah--another trump. This one's the Tower starring the Hermit, the Magician and Strength. A lovely sunny day at the beach...

Comments and questions encouraged and appreciated :)



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Hey Raven and Shadowdancer,

I will be in on Monday to comment on the swords ~chuckles~. I not sure what to say about the Tower card. This is one I will definetly have to see in color before commenting. Just looking at the sketch it does look like a nice day at the beach ... so like not the tower shaking up ones world. But like I said I am sure once the color is in I will see things I am totally missing plus with color one can also see the mood of the card.

Have a great weekend, and again, thank you so much for sharing with us!


bit about the Tower

better put my two pennyworth in ... :)

The Tower to me is about having the rug pulled out from under you, your world coming down in a way that takes you totally by suprise etc. Something coming out of the blue and totally rocking your foundations.

This card will be clearer when coloured Jewel, you are right on that one. But we are breaking away from the traditional RWS imagery on a lot of our cards, particularly the Major Arcana. What I did was keep the key words in my head then create an image which still reflected the key words.
In this Tower the youngsters had built a sand castle. They had spent hours on it, and really gave it their all. A lot of team work and focus on getting the structure nice and tall. Well, they had not given attention to where they built it and in that respect there was no solid foundation. (Another aspect I see with the Tower card is failing to build the tower in the right place to start with, thus the learning from it is to make sure you give it a solid base next time round). The tide has come in and yep, the tower is crumbling. I know in most decks it is hit by lightening and you see walls breaking up, but this is still as devestating for the youngsters. They were going to call their parents to come and look when it was finished but that idea is now shattered.
As you know, we try and incorporate angles or layers to show different persectives.

One of the wee ones is desperately (and in vain) trying to prevent the collapse. Is he right in trying to do so?

Another one is looking out to sea and is re-assembling in his mind what had happened, and what may be needed next time round to prevent a repeat disaster. What angle can he represent should he be the main focus of the reading?

Another is in a sense of shock.

Finally we have the crab dragging bucket away. What is his role? Where is he going? I reckon if they follow it they will see they are being guided to a safer place to rebuild.

Yes, different imagery, but one I hope does still reflect the sense of being caught out, and having our world come down around us.



now for the swords

The 4 of swords shows our pixie totally drained of emotion and energy. The 3 does depict what had happened to him, and it was extremely harrowing. Here we see him taking a time out from the rest of the world and his family, and choosing to be alone to just re-charge physically, mentally and emotionally.
He really cannot do anything else at the moment so has taken himself to a bridge where he is leaning on the support, letting his mind and body shut down for a while. Most of the time he has his eyes closed.
Again, different imagery from resting with 4 swords around you or supporting you, but the key words and sense of needing a rest are what drove me for this scene.
Not sure how much I can say here except if this card is turned upside down, there is a very moving image created from the movement of the water and the placement of the rocks, and may help him get that spark of life back which he is so desperately missing at the moment. (Very clever and inspired drawing by Steve on this card). It may show what he has lost is not lost forever, if he can only open up and be receptive to the signs that may appear. For now though he is too closed down to really appreciate this.

The 6 is one I guess is different to majority of RWS images but there was one aspect I wanted to put across, and that is the issue of having control of how you move on, and where you move to. The traditional imagery is very passive and often shows a person in a boat with the boat being steered (for want of a better word) by someone else. In this respect they are purely passengers and may be taking on a passive role in this scene. I wanted our pixie to be something other than passive. He has decided he has to move on, and is taking on that responsibility for himself, and with a real sense of purpose. Yes, there is still turmoil around him, and yes, he may still have a lot to endure before he comes out the other side. This is backed up by the raging storm around him. Yet, if we look closely we see it is not touching him. The lightening strike has not been able to reach him, nor are any drops of water landing on him. He has created a sense of peace around and within himself which will help him as he forges through the water to what we cannot see outside of the card - a place or situation offering a sense of stability and peace of mind. This card may look energised and against how it is usually depicted, but the fact does still remain that he is moving on and away from what has caused him distress. He has chosen to undertake that journey and is determined not to let anything get to him again. Obviously we know there is a bit more to come yet, but this is a significant turning point for him.

Finally we have the 10. He is at the end of his journey, and is once again taking control of where he goes from here. He is feeling much more at ease and serene as shown by the chakras glowing in front of his body. He is harmonised on all levels now. His journey really is over. And again, this is symbolised by what he is doing with the sword. The sword represents all his previous experiences which had caused him distress or sadness. It also represents how he was emotionally - broken and fragmented. He has broken the sword and is about to throw it over the edge of the water fall where it will be washed away and submerged forever. No longer can those experiences have any part of him once the sword has gone. I wanted this card to symbolise a person lifting any weight from their shoulders carried forward from previous experiences, and being in a situation where they could truly move on. Hopefully in a reading this will be uplifting for anyone who has come through such an ordeal, and will be less distressing as an image to take onboard.

Well, I hope this has helped. :) Yes, they are different but I hope when seen in context they can still be identified with. The story they tell will help with this, and the experiences of the pixie will be one we can all resonate with.


Thanks for the explanation of the Tower. I had not noticed the sand castle what I saw was the faerie in the water, and then the one with his back to me and one I thought was flying *LOL*. Now that you explained it I can see it. I like the different imagery being used, that is actually one of the things that really draws me to this deck.

When reversed, does the 4 of Swords show the face of a dragon??? I know it shows a face of some sort, I can get that much .... Steve color the thing and let us see it! *LOL*

I love what you have done with the 10 of swords, the pixy is reaching enlightenment and integrating the lesson he has learned but not holding onto it. They end of a cycle which is what tens represent, and the beinging of a new one which goes back to the Ace.

I am really looking forward to seeing the next cards to be revealed! and I really do look forward to some day getting the whole story!!! *LOL*


Just by way of update, we were chatting yesterday and have decided to repost some which have already been shown here............ with colouring :)

May take a while so please be patient with us - hopefully the wait will be worth it :) Jewel, you may find the 4 of swords is one of them. Yes there is a face, but it was a different animal he lost. You have done well to recognise there is a face there. I think Steve did an incredible job with this one. When I first saw it reversed it made for a very powerful image.



shadowdancer said:
Just by way of update, we were chatting yesterday and have decided to repost some which have already been shown here............ with colouring :)

May take a while so please be patient with us - hopefully the wait will be worth it :) Jewel, you may find the 4 of swords is one of them.
Ok I will try to be patient *LOL* ahhhhhhh a dogie or some other canine-like critter then *LOL*


doggie canine-like critter eh?

Close enough :D


shadowdancer said:
doggie canine-like critter eh?

Close enough :D
By that comment I take it you have no intention of telling me ... well at least I tried! *LOL*.

So when do we get some cards from the next suit??????? inquiring minds (and nosey people) want to know! *LOL*